It's different this time...?

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There actually was an emoticon used, but to be honest, I had to read it a couple of times before I got it myself.
You assume I didn't see the satire. I did. I also saw the cynical "blame the boomers" implication behind it which elicited my comment.

Thank you, Joe, for your moderate policies, foreign and domestic, and for appointing only experienced and qualified people to important positions in your administration! You saved us from Capitalism and the evils of economic prosperity which are racist and fascist.
Thank you, Joe, for your moderate policies, foreign and domestic, and for appointing only experienced and qualified people to important positions in your administration! You saved us from Capitalism and the evils of economic prosperity which are racist and fascist.
I really don't think that was in the comment...
We could all be a little more sensitive about how our comments are received. By now we have a sense of who we are, so digs can be subtle while still hurtful.

arguing about what each other thinks or understands is never productive.

Sometimes it's difficult to see satire even when it stares you in the face...
According to John it's not sarcastic unless you use an emoticon... ;)
NO. John looks for the use of emoticons to telegraph sarcastic intent, I am not as good at mind reading as you'all...


To bring this back on topic, it's official now, two sequential quarters of negative GDP growth. The administration is busy trying to redefine what a recession is (remember "newspeak" from 1984). Now definitely in recession the swamp is trying to ram through another spending bill (using reconciliation) with increased taxes and EV subsidies. Pretty much the opposite of what the economy needs while sliding into recession, while faced with inflation.

The swamp? Remember when the economy was running at top speed and the Trump administration nevertheless went ahead and massively cut taxes for the rich?

A big part of the reason for the longer-term debt crisis is the lack of a feedback mechanism that works against the increasing inequality. Debt=inequality. Increasing taxes on those owning and earning more is the way to do that. In the history of the US, especially during and after WW2 when massive debt was reduced to comparably low levels, that exact same scenario has played out before. I don't bother to post all the graphs again.

There was far too much money in the market that wasn't used productively (also because of money printing and QE instead of taxing, which was politically harder to get through) and instead made the owners of stocks, real estate and other assets richer by sitting on their behinds.

I could go on and on, but this game is getting old.

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