Built a "Custom 500 Series Mixer"

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Hi Guys.
It's been a while, bit busy with work 😅

Btw, I decided to change the panpot design with the "Active Panpot". It base on xarolium design on his (SSL like), channel strip for S600 desk.

Mixer 8 panpopt.png


- Ip
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Hi Guys.
It's been a while, bit busy with work 😅

Btw, I decided to change the panpot design with the "Active Panpot". It base on xarolium design on his (SSL like), channel strip for S600 desk.
Have you seen the pan-pot arrangement in the Soundcraft 6000? It's even better. Check it in Technical Documents.
I suggest you use OPA2134 there. Actually dynamicaly quieter than 5532 in this position.
Have you seen the pan-pot arrangement in the Soundcraft 6000? It's even better. Check it in Technical Documents.
I suggest you use OPA2134 there. Actually dynamicaly quieter than 5532 in this position.

Thank Abbey.

Yer!! I'll try that one!..

its bit simple and look the same like Douglas Self's design

small mixer douglas self pan 3.png


- Ip
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This looks very exciting. Could somebody be so kind to explain why do you have to unbalance the signal before going into the fader?
Almost without exceptions, faders are unbalanced.
A balanced fader would be much more costly than an unbalanced one.
An unbalanced fader uses a single track. A balanced fader would use two tracks, that need to be perfectly matched. More material, more labour.
In addition, the stages that it would be connected to would need to be balanced. More stuff, more money.
Really curious about what faders you wanna use. I've been thinking about building a faderbank or an 500 module and as a newbie have no idea about faders and where to get them. I just read P&G everywhere but they seem to have discontinued there productline?
P&G are still active, but the need for cheaper products has motivated several far-east manufacturers to cater for them. Panasonic, Noble, Alpha.
Thee problem is that most have a MOQ (minimum order quentity ) of several hundreds, so one has to go through a distributor and is faced with limited choice.
Many DIY'ers actually buy spare parts for existing products, e.g. https://radiowebshop.com/contents/en-uk/d1.html
Hi Guys, little update for the project.

Just got;
The 30pin sockets from Aliexpress,
Studer 169 eq PCBs,
Neumann OA10 discrete op-amp PCBs,
And the front panels from JLCPCB.

The front panels made of aluminium PCB. I just try it out, its cheaper, and it turned out good, but i think the size is not quite right, but I can deal with it, I did ask JLPCB why that happened.
I realised I forgot to remove the production number or put in on the back 😑

The 169 eq is just redraw & copy-paste from Audiox Design that you can find on "here"



WhatsApp Image 2024-02-29 at 20.20.09.jpegWhatsApp Image 2024-02-29 at 20.20.09 (1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2024-02-29 at 20.20.09 (2).jpegWhatsApp Image 2024-02-29 at 20.20.09 (3).jpeg
Cool project. Any update?
Are those front panels made from FR4? I hadn't thought about getting them from a PCB manufacturer, bet it is affordable.

I don't understand from your schematic where the summing happens. Do all the 'L's connect to the 'Lin'?

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