musika said:from Balijon:
As I already expected, the burned-out resistor is 100R, the resistor on the left is 33k.
The big cap (220uF/25V) has been replaced on my board, I would suggest replacing that one too, please use a higher rated version like 220uF/35V.
I think the 100R is the resistor used to give 12V (from 24) for the relays on the submaster output modules. It may not be shown on the drawings except on the power/wiring page.
When the 100R blows/burns-up, it isolates everything behind it (where the fault is) from the rest of the desk, so the rest of the desk is not affected and will still work.musika said:When a circuit is burned like that, can it affect other parts as well or does it stop destroying parts at the capacitor prior to the circuit ground?
Yes they are 12k. My desk was last used as a FOH-live desk, I think that these resistors may be the feedback resistors that are marked 4k7 in the schema of the 2004C monitor bus amps. Maybe they changed it to create more amplification.musika said:Theo, In your posted image numbered "0833", I see a couple of resistors that are added immediately following the main 10 pin connector that look to be 12k's (I cannot really see the color bands) and they are added on the underside. They seem to be part of the left and right stereo signal path. Do you have any idea why they are have been soldered there?
My modules are fine (I think) the burned-out resistor pictures are from 'ampegabassplayer1969', not mine.Also, I tried to see what amplifier is behind the failed 2004E on your module, and I would guess that there are dual left and right 2004C amplifiers that are shown on the Aux Monitor Module Board B schematic. Do you agree that this is the faulty amp / transistor component?
ampegbassplayer1969 said:If I were to replace a few transistors on the monitor amp, what would you recommend?
ampegbassplayer1969 said:Cool, I'm not sure how to find out the values of the transistors I want to replace.. All of the transistors are the same on the monitor amp, but I can't find "c732" on the web. Any idea what to replace them with?
Yes they are 12k. My desk was last used as a FOH-live desk, I think that these resistors may be the feedback resistors that are marked 4k7 in the schema of the 2004C monitor bus amps. Maybe they changed it to create more amplification.
This is clearly one of the modifications not coming from the factory. I will do some more trace checking.
musika said:How is your work on the board progressing?
I'm down to debugging the cue system, the solo buss, and a problem with one side of the monitor speaker amps. Any ideas as to how to fix the monitor amp? I am going to first try a continuity test, then replace the two transistors. Any thoughts? I do wish that I had extender boards for this console! I've searched the planet for McMurdo connectors and have come up with nothing (nothing that looks like these).