3D "AIR" EQ - "Night EQ" PCB's Complete!

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[quote author="peterc"]



Show off :green:

Looks great OOM! Looking forward to getting stuck into a couple when you are ready.


[quote author="peterc"]I use Traxmaker PCB software, works well & I know it well.

The boards are 185mm x 80mm, 7.3" x 3.1" if my calculator is right... There should be an inch or so for a power switch.



When you're ready, email me any additions or changes you've made & I will add them to the schematic to keep things organized. Soon I'll have my new website up & will have space deticated to my DIY including this EQ & the schematic.


I see the Bal/UB Jumpers :thumb:
I think I see the inductors too? I added them to mine along with extra PADs from pin 5 to 8 on the NE5534 in case I needed to add a cap for oscillation.

very nice layout... this should be a pretty inexpensive eq to build, would be worth making enough to have as kind of 'utility' eqs i suppose.

so now grayills? only reason i ask is because with pcb mount pots, which are indeed handy, it can be hard to fit a switch in there, and it probably wont be able to fit inline with the pots.

but... i'm sure that getting the appropriate traces all to that little space over there is a real pita, and i'm grateful for the work you've done peter.. just thought i'd mention my thoughts.

thanks again kev, peter, and everyone who contributed to this..... looks like a fun project.
it can be hard to fit a switch in there,

The Lorlin switches are 27mm across & I have allowed 32 mm on the PCB for the switch. My idea is to mount the Lorlin on the front panel.

I did not do a Grayhill layout because of the cost of the switch. I would think that you could use a panel mount Grayhill & get it inline with the pots?

Looks great ! :thumb:
Seems like a nice little project.

I'm in for two pcb's as a start .... :guinness:
cool.... i read the whole thread top to bottom, and can't figure out what the pots should be.... based on the parts list, which lists 5k, and the schem, which lists 550kA CCW, and the first post, which lists both, i'm a bit confused.

but, whichever they are, i do indeed get the impression from reading through the thread that they are rev log, and perhaps this would be a good opportunity to get the right ones in pcb mount from omeg, and even a center detent to boot?
[quote author="enthalpystudios"]cool.... i read the whole thread top to bottom, and can't figure out what the pots should be.... based on the parts list, which lists 5k, and the schem, which lists 550kA CCW, and the first post, which lists both, i'm a bit confused.

but, whichever they are, i do indeed get the impression from reading through the thread that they are rev log, and perhaps this would be a good opportunity to get the right ones in pcb mount from omeg, and even a center detent to boot?[/quote]

Center detent would be KILLER... even my original doesn't have them.


There are a few errors on the parts list & schematic that I will be taking care of. I'm waiting on Peter so I can have the schematic MATCH the PCB.
It took me a LONG time to reverse engineer this thing & the project is picking up steam here, which is very cool & I'm happy to share it with you guys & thankfull for the help from Peter, Harpo & others... so hang in there & you'll have a well documented project with a schematic, Parts list & PCB.

I started this in November 2006 so it's moving along well. Peter designed the "FULL Version" board around the Original so I'm confident it will be as good if not better than the Original EQ3D.

I ask the same as Gyraf (Jacob)
This is a DIY project meant for this forum & I don't want to be blamed for "Clones" getting sold on EBAY!

Peter is calling it the "Night EQ" (Full Version-All Bands)
[quote author="khstudio"][quote author="enthalpystudios"]cool.... i read the whole thread top to bottom, and can't figure out what the pots should be.... based on the parts list, which lists 5k, and the schem, which lists 550kA CCW, and the first post, which lists both, i'm a bit confused.

but, whichever they are, i do indeed get the impression from reading through the thread that they are rev log, and perhaps this would be a good opportunity to get the right ones in pcb mount from omeg, and even a center detent to boot?[/quote]

Center detent would be KILLER... even my original doesn't have them.


IS CORRECT :!:[/quote]

Smallbear has 500K Reverse Audio pots.

Maybe we could ask if he could find center detent pots for us.
These pots won't fit the pcb as far as I'm concerned.... when I built the Calrec Eq I just used some short wires for the 100K reverse audio pots.

Edit: Mail sent to Steve at smallbear about center detent pots.
how does this thing sound in bypass? i read in another post brad avenson mentiones 'not flat,' but is it significant?

just curious about whether or not i should go with hard bypass or not. suppose it couldnt hurt, but since you have one kev, just wondering if you've noticed anything.
[quote author="enthalpystudios"]how does this thing sound in bypass? i read in another post brad avenson mentiones 'not flat,' but is it significant?

just curious about whether or not i should go with hard bypass or not. suppose it couldnt hurt, but since you have one kev, just wondering if you've noticed anything.[/quote]

I would consider the BYPASS function of this EQ pretty good but nothing can be better/truer than "True Bypass" IMHO.

It works fine for a quick reference on/off... if you don't like what it's doing, pull it out of the chain - this is what I do & is pretty easy with a patchbay.

I'd like to have True-Bypass on ALL my gear but it's a little extra work dealing with relays & the power supply for them. Some day I'll take the time to do it :oops:

how does this thing sound in bypass? i read in another post brad avenson mentiones 'not flat,' but is it significant?


Should be pretty flat, the bypass chain is input buffer to summing amp to output balancing stage. The bandwidth goes up high to accomodate the Variable Shelf, & the input stage is very similar to Jakob's SSL clone.

Not sure what the original sounds like.

I've just checked with smallbear...
He can get center detent 500k reverse audio pots for us...
only problem is we need to order a 1000 of them...
the price is good though under a dollar a piece....

Delivery in 8-10 weeks...

Feels like someone in the US is better suited to arrange this than me over here though...
Maybe one of our UK members can check with Omeg? Their minimum order is usually 25 pieces & their prices are very good.

I wouldnt mind ordering pots, but then buyers would have to pay for 2 sets of international shipping.

There was the other fellow from U.K. who was stocking quite a few
of the C type reverse , he usually speaks up in the black market
most recently about the 2k2 or a.p.i. values

Go Pete Go !
[quote author="peterc"]Maybe one of our UK members can check with Omeg? Their minimum order is usually 25 pieces & their prices are very good.

I wouldnt mind ordering pots, but then buyers would have to pay for 2 sets of international shipping.

Peter[/quote]I just emailed them. I've been following this thread with great interest, I'd be glad for even a small opportunity to do something helpful.

I'll let you all know.


was meaning to ask this, but i was thinking the same thing "slenderchap" at audiomaintenance. Great prices as well.

but my question is, the standard omeg value would be 470k, and i'm wondering if any modification would need to be done to keep the response flat with pots at center detent. i do like the idea of using omegs however as they are pc mount.... the board is layed out well, it would be a shame not to use it for its intended purpose, plus I've got a good bit of work done on a frontpanel layout in corel, so i'm def. going to go with pc mounted.

the 470k thing is all i wonder about.... i'll have to try plotting rev log curves and see what the resistance actually is at halfway with a 500k and with a 470k. i'd imagine that making R30 a 100k multiturn trimmer would probably allow the response at center position to be tamed, as all the pots are doing is setting the level of bandpass signals to be summed. but also, i'd imagine that a rectangular cermet trimpot could have wiper bent up to meet one leg, soldered, and then fit (more or less) into the existing pads for r30. but this is provided that the pots track pretty well.... trimming the 5.62k summing resistors may be not only too much work for too little return as far as flat response goes, and also may be a bad idea to change the summing bus impedance much.

just thoughts

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