24V/600R= probably not 1A.
Sometimes a common avail.light bulb is just the needed cheap high wattage resistor ..., your might have some spare bulbs for your cars blinkers or backlights, comming in 12V/5W, 10W, up to 21W. Use two in series for 24V. From I=P/U and R=U/I, a 12V/5W bulb will draw ~0.42A and represent a 28R8 resistor. Two in series at double voltage will draw the same current. Two 12V/10W bulbs in series for a 0.83A load might tell if the size of your voltage regulators attached heatsink is sufficient.
This might help a little ...
indiehouse, from post #1505 your underside of psu shows the LM317 voltage regulators mounted upside down and in wrong pin order. This way the chips heatfins couldn't transfer generated heat to the heatsinking case when assembled and the wrong pin order now connects raw DC in to adjust pin and voltage setting resistors junction connect to regulators input instead. Bend the regulators pins upwards. You might have fixed this already.
You could ohm out, if the 2N3055 collector (case) conducts to the next soldered point on pcb thru the mounting bolt and fixing nut when you follow the pcb trace. Using a sawtooth washer between pcb and the left side transistor fixing nut from your pic to go thru the insulating coating would fix this if you don't get a low/close to zero ohm reading.