A/D/A converters - help me cut through the BS

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Andy Peters said:
A "short event" that is sufficiently short is also of a high enough frequency to be taken out by the anti-aliasing filter.

I would say the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Frequency and time are two sides of a coin. I'm no math guy but I think that's  the difference between polar and radial expression.
But what is going on here Paul? Is this perhaps an experient to make subjective things measurable? Maybe you can make changes in a subjective way how marketing can manipulate you in the real world. Try to measure it if you are on digi stuff and looking for your passion. Try to use senses and do not listen mp3 ;)
abbey road d enfer said:
A 1ms event is not filtered out by the anti-aliasing or reconstruction filters.
I one mSec event is 1kHz...

I have lost track of the sundry veers in this thread but don't find any mention of an event of that duration ( going back a few pages).  I don't need to speak for Andy but suspect he is referring to time intervals on the order of the sample rate period or shorter.

I suspect the "transient" errors mentioned are actually out of band, or above band information.  In my experience cleanly removed there are no audible artifacts from these...  Back in the early days of CD playback there was a lot of drama surrounding the look (not sound) of brief impulses. 

Arguments about what the audio HF cut off should be, may be older than some posters in this thread.

Is Insomnia proven bro - did not sleep 3 nights and can´t here to music with tired ears. I mean music - no mp3
please send me medezine please send me medezine please send me  please please nothing more because people have braindamaged who liste to mp3-
I would give you all a second chance. because now you know about real mastering that is the most important thing...... and please  don´t listen to mp3
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