Hey yall Im back!! Got my 312 circuit dialed, ordered and built! Only issue i'm now having is with the VU meter! So I ended up using this buffer circuit courtesy of
@zzzzz and I took the chance with some cheapo meters from Aliexpress.
So the buffer circuit is powering the lamp of my meter perfectly however, I cant seem to get any signal reading! When I power on the unit the meter jumps as they usually do and with everything absolutely cranked I'm getting just a very very slight amount of reaction from the meter. Reading back thru this thread, I saw some say that with cheap VU's they were needing upwards of +10dBu of signal (4 Volts). Could this be where my issue is as well? I've tried adjusting the VU gain trimmer (feedback of the TL072) all which ways and still nothing. The schematic calls for a 5K trimmer there. Should I maybe up that value to be able to push the opamp even more?? Perhaps I should pop a different opamp in the that can provide more gain for the meter?
Or maybe I'm having an entirely different issue. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Im this close to finishing this pre!! Only this VU issue is standing in my way! Other than that, the rest of the pre amp is working perfectly and sounds great!