It's an LED that's ground referenced. With the hum pot in the middle, the 6.3V AC supply swings between +3.15V and -3.15V. Since there's no cap after the rectifier diode, the peak voltage after the rectifier diode is about 2.5V, so with a 2V LED, you have 0.5V left over. 0.5V over 68 ohms is 7mA peak current. The average current will be less. This is probably plenty bright.I don’t think that’s a led as to drop to 2v @ 10mA it would have to be 470 ohm, I think it’s a 100mA 6v lamp?
So I will go with the 470R, 1n4007 diode then a led?
Nope.Would leaving out the 68R, diode and led improve any noise ?
0.9V over 1.5K is 0.6mA. 0.6mA across 100K is 60V drop, which implies your B+ is sitting at 188V. Would need to know what your voltage is after the rectifier diodes, and if you used 1.5K series filter resistors to know if it's working as expected.At the moment plates are 128v and kathodes are 0.9v?
I thought it should be more like 160v plates and 1.1v kathodes?