I created a second version of the checkplot with voltages. This has the circuit board a little lighter which makes the text more readable.
I did another one where I flipped this diagram horizontally, which makes it easier to find test points from the back:
I left the old one up at the previous link in case anyone prefers that.
Now, on to my unit. I have it to the point now where it passes audio and seems to compress it, but the input pot doesn't do anything. Voltages look reasonably correct overall, and I don't see any obvious solder bridges. I can measure the change from 10k to 0 with my meter as I turn the knob.
Now, I have the entire board stuffed: both transformer and op amp inputs. I planned to listen to both and choose one, or possibly add a switch. I added a jumper from pad 1 in the middle of the board to pad 1 of the input pot for the transformer balanced section. I tried desoldering this jumper but this doesn't help. I get no input from the transformer balanced section. Audio passes from the op amp section, only with the input knob doing nothing.
Again, this is using the mnats board (which is now famously featured on analogindustries.com). Let me know if you have any guesses. Thanks, -jl