Ok guys, I'm a bit confused.
Gain reduction meter tracking:
I set the controls as mentioned on Geoff's site as well as those posted before (from manual) In=mid, out=full cw, attack full ccw, release=full cw, 20:1, GR mode
VR54 adjusted roughly 1/4 from ccw
No signal, adjust VR55 so that meter reads 0vu. Done.
Apply .245v rms 1khz sine to input. I'm assuming the DVm won't work well measuring level here even though I've used it to check for .245v
Switch meter to +4
"Turn output level CW until meter reads 0vu." The output level control is already at full per the instructions. How am I supposed to adjust CW if it's already full?? Are you saying adjust output to 0vu? I can do this but when after using input to set level to -10 I can't make up enough gain to bring it back to zero. Says to adjust attack cw and observe change on meter. My attack control does nothing.
PS: FWIW, I have it hooked up and passing audio. Mic pre -> 1176 -> DAW. Gain controls are working well. Signal is really clean and almost no noise! Maxing input and setting output to say 3 I can just barely make the meter move.