yes indeed, the readings are expected to be high without tubes fitted.
I think I typed in some values to check in the notes I sent to Scenaria... They varied by about 5volts or so. When you put the tupes in you should have lower readings on the plate end of the plate resistors. The 6.3V should read about 7-point-something volts off-load also.
The neon should light (takes a long time to decay without warm tubes in!) and should have 55-65 Volts on it.
17.1 to 52.5 when zero adjust goes from nothing to all.
About mid sweep the voltage goes to 63, but the neon doesn't light. It only lights when the R is about 65%
Scenaria, SSLtech, cayocosta, cjenrick, PRR, and NewYorkDave, you guys ROCK. I have one fully functional LA2a. It is hum free, and is sweet as molasses!! :guinness:.
I will post pictures soon.
Thanks to all
[cainester @@ aol}
Ok, I used my LA2 this weekend and WOW! What tone.. What balls.. I only have one problem. It will not limit. If I connect a pot and vary it, there is no differenct in the slope of reduction. I can use a standard 5k lin pot right? I also notice that when I swithc to limit, the resistance at the pot falls to approx 0. Should that happen?
[quote author="cayocosta"]Waiter - check please.[/quote]
Awww Maaannn :sad:
So maybe I didn't think through the 0 ohms too long!
But, I thought the limit was brick wall. If it's not, then it functions correctly.