I measured the ac volts on C11 this morning. As you turn up the GR, the ac volts should gradually increase. At max GR, I had about 60 volts ac on both sides of C11. This makes sense as 60 volts is about 160 volts peak to peak, which is within the limits of the B+ voltage.
220 VAC is Way too high, means someting is goofy with your 6AQ5 circuit. Maybe oscillation is causing that big voltage. I doubt you got your power supply transformer ac on the plate, but check and see just in case.
You might have a bad filter cap, which would explain the hum. Check the ripple voltage on your supply filters, C7a and C7b. Set the meter to ac volts, ground your black lead, put one hand in your pocket for saftey, and get on those caps.
Medium GR only reqiures about 30 vac, I guess audio lites up the EL panel easier than 60 cycles, as you have all those other freqs in there.
In desperation, I usually grab a cup of coffee and sit down with a hi-liter pen and trace out every darn wire and component on a schematic, regardless of how many times I have checked things over. If there is a wiring wrror, this method will find it.
Kind of like this:
(pic on the way)