Actually, nominal AC line voltage in Japan is 100 VAC 60 Hz.Worth a try. The largest number of successful reports come from 110VAC Japan. Any Altec in use in the USA is seeing higher than designed AC.
Interesting, I didn't know that. A good example of what consequences a lack of harmonization can have.Japan has two grids, one running at 60 Hz and the other at 50 Hz,
Another good post by Bill in the other "buzz" thread that might apply here too?
No and I never want to see one of these turds again. I tried everything recommended anywhere, outside of a complete teardown. I suspect replacement power transformers might be a start, nothing else made any sort of appreciable dent at all. No one makes a replacement that I've found, and....well....don't get me started.......external PSU would do it......maybe.....
These things are the noisiest old garbage I've ever encountered, and I've worked on a LOT of ancient tube gear. They sold it as PA gear - it's PA gear - and there was better PA gear.....
What a fascinating trip down memory lane you have sent me on today. I came of age in the '60s and remember Altec as the quietest thing we could get in the ages of hum ('60s), hiss ('70s), and finally quiet ('80s) -- by then Altec had faded to oblivion. I thought the 1567 was an old box back in the early '70s; the 1592 is what I cut my teeth on.
An interesting thing about the not quite so old transistor gear is their transistor amps used the same topology as the old tube designs. Heavy, low power (100W was a lot back then) and indestructible.
Anyway, this old Altec stuff may seem terrible now, but I remember it as the best I could get back then. There wasn't a noise problem I couldn't solve with a tranny and proper termination, but I suspect I wasn't hearing what I had come to expect as "normal;" e.g., hiss and hum.
Sorry - couldn't resist commentiing. As usual, I have nothing helpful to add
I rebuilt one of these recently, and built a set of tube buffers for each channel as a direct out using the 12B4A into an output transformer, and actually replaced the output tube stage with the same tube stage and xformer- finding I was able to get a solid 24db into a 600R load with it being absolutely silent. But I also changed the heater supply to 12vdc and rewired the grounding scheme as well as changed all the plate resistors and increased filter cap values. it can be done... the biggest change was the output tube circuit though. I was initially worried that it would lose the mojo and the lo fi aspect that people love, but that really was not an issue, you can drive the output and eq, or run it clean with lots of headroom.Remember, none of my noise problems have anything to do with the front end - it's totally disconnected - nor the back end - it's pickup around the mix resistor stage, which disappears when that's disconnected. I crushed tube and resistor noise (significant, 12dB?) right out of the gate, that's a walk in the park.