If I can give you same real, honest, wiseful & helpful advice to you as a "Beginner/Newbie", I can tell you that this whole Chin-o-Canadian (Peluso – Brian Fox - Dave Thomas) “Cinderella” or named it as you like marketing “model”, it is just a crap…
The Apex 460 and the whole Chinese “family” aka Nady TCM-1150, Carvin CM100, Alctron HST-11A etc… it is what it is, just a crap, because the Chinese electronic designers of Apex 460 took the DC Cathode Follower design that Leo Fender used firstly to Bassman 5F6-A (1958) Bass Guitar amplifier and then Jim Marshall used it to Marshall JTM-45 (1963) guitar amplifier and the whole Marshall JTM / JMP / JCM800 / JCM900 guitar and bass guitar amplifiers and then from there on the DC Cathode Follower design there is nearly (exept Hiwatt amps.) in any guitar amplifier (take a look at V2 pre-amp. tube circuit layout of Metroamp '62 Bluesbreaker) and they tried to modified it to a microphone, ignoring that the “reasons” that a DC CF circuit it is “so good” in a guitar amplifier circuit, it is just in opposite way "so worst" in a microphone circuit, but they didn’t and they do not care about it as they followed what Merlin Blencowe wrote to his article:
The DC Coupled Cathode Follower
Worst yet, they put into this flat circuit their crappie Chinese 67-87 pre-emphasis capsules, the ECC83-12AX7 “guitar amp. tube”, the APEX 460 stock transformer, their 200 DC Voltage, in any other words, they do everything to make a crappie microphone as crappie as we all know that the APEX 460 that is …
Then the whole Chin-o-Canadian (Peluso – Brian Fox - Dave Thomas) “Cinderella” or named it as you like marketing “model” of “polish the tard” or “Chocolate covering the ****” comes in to the “play” and they say to you:
“No matter that your Chinese Apex 460 and the whole Chinese “family” aka Nady TCM-1150, Carvin CM100, Alctron HST-11A etc… is a crap, we can transforming it like a “Cinderella” to a decent “C-12”, ELA-M 251E, U-47, U-67 microphone if you pay us this summary of your (extra) money for our Chin-o-Canadian products and for our Canadian services…”
Take a look at
Apex 460 Mods.pdf
In the end of the line, if you will pay this whole summary of your (extra) hard-earnest money for these Chin-o-Canadian products and for all these Canadian mod. Services, you will end up with a modified Chinese Apex 460 microphone crap that will have to cost you an arm, a leg, a kidney, a whola-lotta of money and it will not be in any way a decent “C-12”, ELA-M 251E, U-47, U-67 microphone, while in the same time there are too many decent microphone producers like Stam Audio to buy a decent U-47, U-67 microphone in the right price and too many decent microphone kits like:
Vintage Microphone PCB
Studio 939
SK49 Multi-patern Tube Microphone
If you will to building a decent microphone kit(s) of your desire-ful microphone by your own…