API 312 Thread!

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[quote author="Bauman"]For relays, you just need something that fits on the footprint (it's like a DIP10 IC packaging). You can choose the supply voltage you like cos the relay supply is separated on my boards. Look for any good quality low signal relays...
also, do i want latching relays or not?

I found 22K rev log pots made by Omeg (in the first page of this pdf: http://www.electrovalue.co.uk/pdf/pot.pdf)

Do you think it?s a good quality pot?
I hope it will not start to make noise after little use.
[quote author="laitue5"]I found 22K rev log pots made by Omeg (in the first page of this pdf: http://www.electrovalue.co.uk/pdf/pot.pdf)

Do you think it’s a good quality pot?
I hope it will not start to make noise after little use.[/quote]

im pretty sure either Omeg doesnt make those pots anymore, or they went out of business or changed production, ect. something along those lines.
bump on the relays, i found a dip10 footprint, but should i get latching or non latching?

non-latching I think.

About the Omeg 22k, I have some, the ones I got are not sealed conductive plastic body, probably some dust in the long run can make it noisy...

Fabio: i notice that you use alot of 2520 opamps. Which do u prefer, the melcor opamps, or the 2520?

They are different really. I found 2520 to be more harsh, but still very usefull.
Right now I'm more for the Melcor cos its richness in the mid frequences.

Im thinking of stuffing some 2520s to try. Right now im using the melcor on my 2 channels.
Yea go for it and decide for yourself. I'm keeping the top cover off so I keep switching between them according to what I'll record.

does anyone know if the cinemag CMMI-8-PCA will plug into fabio's 312V3 boards? If not, which cinemag PC mounts will?


Dave, CMMI8 won't plug in in version 3. The only CInemag that fits there in rev3 is CM75101-APC.

I'll change the layout to fit all the Cinemag models, I'm using the CMMI-10B with the
help of a aux board... lovely option also.

Taylor, the soundclips are done, but can upload from my machine, can't open ftp connections from there, dunno why. Need a reinstall I guess...
Gonna do it in the weekend from another machine.... man I'm getting lazy....

cool, Ill try one of those. lundahl 1538 should work too, right?

did anyone come to a conclusion about R10 using 5v relays? 470ohm 5w has continued to work? I want to power 4 in one box.

I think Im going to configure this as a 3x1 mixer for tracking guitars, taking the "VU" feed to the mix buss and using the 4th amp as the summer. Should be able to do 4 pre's or use as a mixer, hopefully I can get this done before my next job.

soundguy, I'm using R10 470ohm 5W and it works fine but I'm only powering two, so take that for what it's worth. But I just got finished racking them this morning, and these preamps sound excellent. I want more!!! I compared them the 3124 and I must admit I like the ones from Fabio's boards better. And I compared them to the 512C and the 512Cs sound harsh with crap mids compared my DIY ones.
greg,which opamp`s are you using?.
i just love melcor`s.they seem to snarl(?) when you push them hard.
best regards

:twisted: DIY :twisted:

Using Melcors?

Dave, about R10, I´m not using it. I´m connecting LM7805 input to the juction of R1/C1. That works to 4 channels. You will need some heatsink on LM7805 for sure.

I will be posting pics of this API project and 2 new GSSL comps in the near future !!! School has got me by the b$((s right now so it'll take me a couple weeks to get around to it. I don't have a digital camera so I have to get one of my friends to do it.
hello all. I just started building the api project. Fabio has been very helpful. a super guy!

I am looking for the grayhill rotary switch. they appear to be out of stock everywhere. i heard there was a group buy at some point. Anyone have an extra they would be willing to sell?

Thanks! Charles.
[quote author="Greg"]soundguy, I'm using R10 470ohm 5W and it works fine but I'm only powering two, so take that for what it's worth. But I just got finished racking them this morning, and these preamps sound excellent. I want more!!! I compared them the 3124 and I must admit I like the ones from Fabio's boards better. And I compared them to the 512C and the 512Cs sound harsh with crap mids compared my DIY ones.[/quote]

So you compaired you're DIY 3124 against the original API 3124 and you're DIY did not sound the same?
Do you have the same OP Amps as in the original?
In what whay whas this DIY version diffirent in sound from the original?

...sorry if any of this sounds stupid... :green:

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