This from an old patent:
Thus, a drive coil in accordance with the pres
ent invention has a D.C. impedance of approximately
3 ohms and an inductance of approximately 90 uhy. As
the frequency increases, the inductive reactance of the
coil increases, and the current phase of the signal shifts
negatively. However, the RC circuit connected in series
with the drive coil enables a substantially constant im
pedance to be imposed on the output of power ampli
fier 76. Thus, the resistor 78 which may have a magni
tude of 4 ohms is shunted by a 5 ufd capacitor. As the
frequency of the signal on the output of power ampli
fier 76 increases, the impedance of capacitor 80 de
creases, thereby shunting resistor 79. In addition, the
current phase shift across capacitor 80 is a positive
phase shift' so that the output of power amplifier 76 re
mains substantially constant over the entire frequency
range of signals from the amplifier with a substantially
constant phase shift on the output terminals.
Any comments?