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[Creating the required G-code to do this from a 2D dxf file is non-trivial] -- Perhaps the below program may be useful with your attempting to translate one form of data into another. I have personally used a couple of their programs and have learned first-hand that they work quite well:My main plan was to use it to make prototype front panels so no engraving was required. I had blanks the right size so it was just a matter of creating holes, slots and other shapes.
Creating the required G-code to do this from a 2D dxf file is non-trivial. You need to know the material thickness and take into account the drill size when calculating the drill path and feed rate. The CNC machine I purchased came with a program called Mach 3 which was supposed to do this. But it was a Windows program and I run Linux. I tried Mach3 under Wine but it did not work. So in the end I decided to write some Python scrips to create G-code. I designed basic functions to create G-code sequences for circles and slots with input parameters of hole/slot dimensions, drill size and feed rate. I got these working and proceeded to tests them out first on plastic and then on aluminium. This where I ran into problems. Everything worked fine with plastic or wood but I had huge difficulties with aluminium. No matter how slow the feed rate, how small the Z-increment, with or without lubricant, I could never finish a panel without breaking at least one drill bit. I toyed with the idea of upgrading the spindle motor but I had spent so much time on I decided to abandon it and go back to having panels made for me.
[go back to having panels made for me] -- While I certainly do understand that this is a "DIY" forum and everybody is supposed to get their "jollies" by hacking, whacking and struggling with cut fingers to do their own sheet-metal work.....I personally prefer to just design my sheet-metal work using my "SolidWorks" 3D Mechanical Design program and simply e-mail my finished SolidWorks file to a sheet-metal fabricator and receive a finished product a mere short time later!!! NO FUSS!!! NO MUSS!!! Just a few BUCKS!!!
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