JohnRoberts said:
I am talking about the ones driving the modern media news cycle with talking points and planted stories.. Really offensive crimes against women, LGBT, and almost every minority large enough to count, occur daily world wide with almost zero headlines domestically, while in the US almost everything covered morphs into an anti-Trump screed. I see the stories because I read the entire newspaper.
And would those newspapers by for-profit capitalist entities? Your comments rely on your view of what a "liberal" and "progressive" is, yet pretty much every single time you use the terms it turns out that what you're really talking about is people who are pro-Capitalism and possibly vote Democrat. They aren't particularly "progressive" or "liberal" at all. The common denominator of Democrats ("liberals" / "progressives") and Republicans ("conservatives" / "reactionary") is that when they rule the wealth gap increases and they support big business, and they all start or perpetuate wars and infringe upon civil liberties.
If you want to look at true liberals then you're likely not going to find them represented in media unless their views sell to ALL Americans who consume media, yourself included.
So I think you're just wrong about this because of your stubborn essentially bi-polar view on politics. There seems to be only two possible views in your universe, and it's either democrat or republican, either conservative or liberal, either progressive or whatever. That's not reality though.
In addition, I question whether or not any nation's media is perpetually reporting international crimes to the same degree that it does domestic ones? It's fairly typical to be more critical of ourselves because we have a responsibility for our own actions and are responsible for holding ourselves to account for what we do.
JohnRoberts said:
My least favorite recent example is how partisans have tried to turn "earth day" into "science day" and spun that into an anti-trump protest march suggesting his administration is anti-science. Classic personality politics claiming that people who don't agree with your agenda must be either stupid or evil.
People who think the earth is only a few thousands of years old are either ignorant, or they're stupid. Once you show them the evidence that the earth is far older and they stick to their guns I'm not entirely sure ignorant qualifies. I guess we're left with stupid. Although one could of course say that indoctrination has blinded them.
In the case of the president the issue is for example the one about global warming. When the president of the US says that climate change (global warming) is a hoax that the Chinese conjured up, then that damages society because it makes these ignorant/stupid/indoctrinated people think they're right, and it enables the government to sell crappy policies to these people.
You will of course dismiss this but there is a very legitimate worry that this administration is more inclined to play lip-service to this "low-information" voter base and say that by getting rid of regulations - any conservative's wet dream - jobs will be created. But as he actually gets rid of regulations for the coal industry for example, the risk is that all we're getting is a very marginal increase in jobs because it's already a somewhat dying industry, but not only that; we're also getting pollution on top of that. Of course republicans and conservatives don't care because typically they're either ignorant enough to not understand the dangers of pollution as well as the limited potential of this to create jobs, or they're purely egotistic about it and count on either getting work and/or not being affected by the pollution.
So I'd argue that the lack of a scientific education of the public and lack of a more scientific approach in discussing these issues are bad for America, and therefore the protest and demonstrations are important.
But it's really interesting to see conservatives conflate for-profit media, "progressives" and "pro-science", especially when the progressive (including government) spending on science actually leads to new technology which generates profit and wealth for the nation.