[BUILD] 1176LN Rev D DIY

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Yea, I was using a 350MA fast blow tonight, will go out and get what you suggested tomorrow.

I'm in Nashville, but am on US power specs all the same.

Thanks Echo.

Hi guys! I am new here and in the middle of my build of what i believe to be one of the best compressors ever the 1176! I freakin love these bad boys! I will be around here alot more in future as there's so much info. Ive never built any electronic units before except really small LED testers back in high school but im enjoying this build so much that i plan on building many more sttudio pre-amps, comps ect.

Anyway, enough with introductions. I have almost completely stuffed my board but have run into 4 problems so far.....

R4 - Pc board says 270R - Is that simply a 270 Ohms resistor? Same as at R41 on the board? Noob question but I prefer to be safe.


If it is written in the format of 270R, 100R, etc. it means its not abbreviated for an amount. So that would mean it is 270 ohms and 100 ohms.

If it is written as 2K5, 7K25. Then that would mean it is 2500 ohms and 7250 ohms.

If Im wrong, someone please correct me.

Also use a multimeter to confirm your resistors, just incase.
Thanks so much Canidoit and Acoustix.

Do you guys perhaps have any info for me on my last question regarding the Trimmer positions and my seemingly missing 1k?

Kindest regards

sorry I'm LOST !
I made an other PCBoard and result is the same. Sound is OK, but no compression. I dont know what you do that I dont. I dont know where to search...

I changed the Attack pot and his wires... NO CHANGE.
The calibration is Ok for the step 1 and 2. but step 3, when you open compression, I dont loose any dB...

I dont know what to do now !!! Please someone has an idea ??

Some news pictures : http://flic.kr/s/aHsjyjg8WT

Also, have you looked at the MNAT schematic with typical voltages added?


Check your GR Amp section.

If you put the new PCB in the same box it would indicate.

1. Something wrong with the wiring
2. Something wrong with an off the PCB part (Attack/Release Pot or Ratio PCB).  Examine the ratio PCB for shorts or cut traces.
3. You're not measuring the GR (lack of) properly.

Hope this helps!
Hi guys, im still stuck with a problem i need some help with.

How do I know which is the correct way to insert the trimmer resistors from Mouser? How do I know which side is the screw side or the correct foot-print? I have read the info at Hairball audio that the Mouser bourns trimmers change orientation and the footprint is different but how do I know what side the screws should be? Does it matter? (The only info I can find about this is the short paragraph and small photo on Hairballs site. I don't really want to copy installation off a picture?

Also Mouser sent me 3 (three) 2K trimmers and 1 (one) 100 trimmer according to my BOM but I have noticed that on my board R44 needs to have a 1K trimmer? From what I can see the 2k trimmers go at R59 R71 R75 and the 100 at R86........ did Mouser overlook sending me a 1K trimmer for R44 or am I missing something here too?

thanks for the help so far.
If you look at the picture on my build guide, it'll show you how the screw should orient to the screen so that turning clockwise increases values.  Having it mounted in reverse is fine.  It just means that the turing might be the opposite of what you intuitively expect (turning clockwise decreases value).  The most important concept to grasp is not to solder these particular Bourns trimmer pins to the 3 center lugs which are all linked. 

If I recall 2K for QBias, Tracking, Null Adj.  Using a 2K here with a 20 turn pot just gives you more room. 100R for the DIST.

0 Adj is the front panel mounted trimmer.

Yes, i ordered via the BOM for revision D on Hairballs site thats why I am unsure if I am missing a 1k because according to the pdf file with the part numbers i should have a 1k but i only recieved 3 3k and 1 100r.


3 x 2k var TRIMMER POTENTIOMETER R59,R71,R75 MULTITURN (recieved 3 of these parts via my BOM order)

1 x 1k TRIMMER POTENTIOMETER R44 TRACKING ADJUSTMENT (I dont seem to have this part? So their is no substitute for the 1k? I am trying to confirm if indeed i was supposed to recieve a 1k from mouser and did not or if i have perhaps overlooked it for some other part if you know what i mean?)
I Just checked my BOM confirmation of order forms recieved with my BOM order and cant find the 1k trimmer on it with the rest of the parts which i ordered via the BOM pre-made cart for revision D.

so can anyone confirm that the revision D pre-made BOM mouser cart from the Hairball site is missing the 1K Trimmer part when ordering?
The 0 Adj is a panel mount part.  It's in the mouser cart. 

Use one of you 2K trimmers in place of the 1K trimmer.

Read the build guide...read the wiring guide.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I have seen the light!!!!!!! The pictures all over showing 5 trimmers soldered into the board really threw me off big time!

Im getting ahead of myself, and missing alot of critical info in the process.

Thanks so much for your patience with this noob Echo North!

Much appreciated!
