jplebre said:
Idiophonic, Q7 Q8 Q9 and Q10 are NPN BJT. The legs are collector, base and emitter (top to bottom, when reading the schematic).
If you can confirm you simply swapped the names (which seems to be the case) then your voltages are on the ballpark
Funny, I just built a second PCB and the threshold is pretty much where you described, around 7-8 o'clock.
Hi jplebre, thanks for the reply.
Well, it didn't take me long to out myself as a newb! Of course those values should have been labeled base, collector and emitter. I measured the FET at Q1 first and then didn't change my nomenclature... D'oh!
Anyway, I had a chance to compare my unit to a UREI and UA version with the help of a highly respected tech here in NYC.
My unit had more preamp gain, more output amp gain, and a lower threshold than the other two units. Measuring voltages at different points in the circuit, we did not find an obvious or simple explanation for any of these issues.
We found some differences in the circuits. There are essentially points in the UREI schematic that have extra resistors in parallel labelled T&C (testing and calibration?). It was explained to me that these resistor values would be chosen during testing and calibration to achieve the desired amount of preamp gain, for instance. We decided to install variable trimmers in certain locations to allow us to easily match the behavior of my unit to the others.
The mods were a success; my unit now has similar input gain and threshold to the others. We did not modify the output amp yet. Everything sounds fantastic, i just have the output knob below 12:00 most of the time.
As for the output amp, is it possible the tertiary feedback winding on the output transformer is not providing the negative feedback it should?
Anyway, I am happy, my unit was closer to the UREI than the UA was!