I'm new here. Been lurking around for quite a while though.
I'm interested in building some submixers for my unbalanced gear (keys, fx).
Was thinking about using the ACA board for summing, and something like this for the mixer circuit:
( taken from http://www.all-electric.com/schematic/simp_mix.htm )
I would like 16 mono inputs.
I'm getting a fairly good sense of what is required by reading this thread, but I have some questions on the exact values / circuit.
jsteiger said:
if you take an unbalanced signal from Martin's line boards to a dual 10k linear pot, slugged with a couple of 2.2K R's(season to taste for -dB point when at center), connect each wiper to a 47K bus R, then connected all the bus R's to the inputs of the ACA, keeping Left and Right separate. That is pretty much it.
So the resistors after the pan pot should be 47k...
The pan circuit recommended above specifies a dual 10k linear as opposed to the single 10k in the schematic. I assume the dual-pot circuit lessens the insertion loss? By "slugged" does that mean the the 2.2k resistors go from the "input" of each pan pot to the wiper?
In the schematic shown, there are 10k resistors between the blocking cap and the pan pot... do these remain necessary with the dual-pot pan circuit? If so, what would the proper values be?
I'm guessing that keeping the blocking cap would be a good idea.
And, finally, what would be the proper value for the level pot? Would a linear or audio taper be appropriate?
Forgive all the basic questions. Obviously just learning about all this mixer stuff. Big thanks to Jeff for making these boards available!