Hey everyone, I just recently finished my build on a pair of VP26 pre's. They fire up fine and pass audio, but am running into an odd problem that two different users also seemed to have happen. The issue is, all functions work fine, pad works as it should, phantom, etc. But, the phase invert switch, when pushed, sounds as if some comb filtering is happening. It changes a normal sounding source into a mid rangy mess. There is also a significant jump in gain (volume) when the button is pushed. I went through all my solder points on one module and made sure everything looks clean. I do not see and solder bridges or dry sockets. Any suggestions or solutions are very welcome. I am new to DIY kits, but am having a friend that builds amps and pedals guide me and fix and bad joints. I am running them off a brand new Fredenstien Bento 10. Heres a picture.