Also I went and measured my bipolar transistors between B and E and every single one reads around .59 - .63 except for my Q7 which reads 7.46 DC V ... maybe that reading helps isolate where the issue is occuring?
Also is it normal for my resistors to read different resistance now that they are put into the PCB? Because I was double checking my resistors and I am getting funny readings on some even though I double checked every single one before installing. Example would be r12 which is suppose to be a 2.2K resistor is reading -4.4 M ... I am also trying to check continuity between resistors and I a lot of them aren't reading.
I am super confused by all of this, I checked my solder joints and they all look good and I know that the resistors were right before stuffing them.
I hope that the information I have provided you with can get me going in the right direction to getting this thing up and running!
Thanks again!