I did indeed, but it's starting to add up to be somewhat not-cost-effective anymore

40$ for a body (w/o capsule or circuitry, right?), another 40$ for a power supply, plus shipping, plus (likely) 24% customs fees / VAT ... It's a blessing AND a curse to live in Europe
I'd be rather willing to forego the "historical accuracy" aspect and grab 1-2 tBone Retro Tube II mics ("lollipop" style) from Thomann - had my eye on them for a while, they're rebranded Alctron BV300 from what i've read. Mod the snot out of them, have some spare parts left over, AND have shockmounts & cable & carry-case, all for ~200$-ish
But best of luck to everyone with the group-buy, either way