My original claim is that your
#245 circuit will be >10dB noisier than Zephyr's Schoeps variant with his 34mm ISK CK12 capsule at 4kHz and higher.
That WAS NOT your original claim as far as I can remember. It was "> 10dB noisier" without qualifications. Maybe I misremembered, so please show the original post unedited.
I also claim SimpleP48 is perhaps 1dB quiter than his circuit.
So you did
As the common version of SimpleP48 has known problems at high spls, I suggested SimpleP48RCA (the other recommended version) as it has been tested for real life spl performance. You graciously agreed to add this to the shootout in
Let's concentrate on these.
That would be pointless. We do want a few more interesting topologies that came up.
So simplep48 will be included, as will be "generic Schoeps" with the recommended parts.
But if what you propose is in addition to our shootout,
A "shootout" is pointless.
But, the data I will present will answer also "what are normalised noise levels (Ein) of each circuit" and if I can get a spectrum of Ein that makes sense, it will be included.
I can post Zephyr's circuit which has some noise advantage compared to the usual Schoeps circuit and is good at high spl too.
Well, why didn't you?
Can you tone down the trash talking please?
Trash talking? You mean I should stop pointing out the facts about your publication?
We all KNOW, cos you have told us ad nauseum in 3 different languages, that you think all Chinese engineers, especially itinerant ones in Oz, are idiots
I do not think Chinese engineers are idiots.
I know for a fact that those educated in mainland china only (note, this about education/country of residence, NOT ethnicity) have poor reading comprehension of technical documents including those originally written in chinese.
They completely fail to be able to apply basic laws of physics applicable to electronics, though they know those laws and can repeat them perfectly. They just cannot apply them to even the most primitive circuit in front of the.
They also have zero capability of original work and can only operate by copying and rote reptetion.
This is a result of how the Chinese education system works, focusing on rote repetition, not application.
This doesn't make them idiots or even useless.
It just means that that mainland china educated degreed engineer cannot be expected to perform tasks adequately that a western college level educated technician can.
On the other hand, if you need something copied, they do this extremely well, without the risk of trying to understand what they are copying and making "improvements" but also without spotting obvious mistakes.
As for you personally, I pointed out numerous critical flaws with one of your publication. And I questioned why, knowing all these flaws, you elected to publish what you did, in the form you did and promote that publication.
I did not call you either idiot, chinese, iterant or anything.
I appreciate that you worked with limited resources (everyone does, just limits vary) and tries to produce something useful.
You did however violate some of the basic rules about testing (validation, calibration) and publications (transparency, incusion of critical details). As a Guru surely you know all this without me telling you.
We can discuss the reasons for the results, rationally, when we get them and attempt to relate them to 'real life'
Yup, let me finish work in the bathroom and get started on putting my office/lab back together.
The results will not be quite as you claim though and you should also know why already. So I'm perplexed why you keep making these claims the way you do.