covid politics

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First, there's nothing wild about stating that Delta could be less dangerous--it's simply that there's zero evidence(like hospitalizations and deaths) that would indicate that it is 5 times less dangerous, and there's no scientific theory that I can find that would lead one to predict such a thing.

Is there anything datawise that you can point to that would support the "5+ times" position? I've looked, and I just don't see it.
I was poking you a bit because you stated it was 5+ times contagious. I thought it was obvious and I did say 'probably' not 'is'.
Oh, and if you're concerned about crappy arguments, I suggest you go through your comments in this thread: Gish gallop, JAQ-ing off, a variety of ad hominems, and more.
The fact that we are in a 'politics' thread, my understanding is that most arguments will be 'crappy'. So no, I'm really not concerned. Everyone is JAQ'ing off, yourself included, if we're going be honest. If a JAQ'off comment (even as subtle or not so subtle as someone tries to be) is directed towards me, you can expect a JAQ'off comment right back at ya. I don't JAQ'off unprovoked.. Ha!

The fact that Covid discussions are political IS concerning. Do we ever get to the truth? Politics and truth are not synonymous.

I don't have a problem with anyone here regardless of differing opinions but that's just me. Nor do I get offending by anyone's gish gallop, JAQ'ing off or ad hominem attacks. You should see my dining room on a typical Friday night with friends. You'd fit right in hodad! haha..
*****On a different note, I thought JR might enjoy an article about anti-vaxxers who aren't Trump-loving right wingers:
Not Getting Vaccinated to Own Your Fellow Libs
Trump himself is ALWAYS pushing the vaccines. I'm sure it's mostly his ego. That said, almost every Trump supporter I know over the age of 50, got vaccinated without hesitation. I honestly don't know many 'anti-vaxxers' regardless of age or political beliefs. Most of the folks I personally know who do not want the vaccine at this point are young couples wanting to start a family or people who already had Covid. Is it the right choice? I don't think anyone can say with certainty. We can definitely have opinions though. I don't think there's ANY reasons to lambast those who question if the vaccine is the right choice for them. That's where things get political (divisive).

I will say one thing, Biden's tyrannical stance on vaccine mandates is losing him the support of many of his voters
(sycophants excluded), rightfully so.
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No JR does not give a flying F___ about all the partisan noise...
Follow the science, cough... OK as of two hours ago the CDC advice is booster 6 months after 2nd Pfizer shot for at risk groups, and data isn't available yet for moderna (like I had) and J&J.... (this agrees with President Biden's statement today).

Hard to imagine people would be confused.

The government messaging is consistently confusing.

nothing about covid is funny, but I admit I don't click on youtubes so maybe that is the one exception.

[edit- maybe if we are in the make jokes phase that is a sign the end of covid is near. /edit]

So, one of my Trumper, unvaccinated neighbors just went through having Covid. The infection caused inflammation in his hip and knee joints and he was unable to properly walk for a week. I asked him how bad it was. He responded, "It was just like a bad cold and I lost my sense of taste for a few days". I responded, "What do you mean? What about not being able to walk?" He responded, "But it was just like a bad cold." I walked away. I can't complete with that kind of stupidity. No one can. A new, ”more effective" covid strain can. Only solution going forward. May Darwinism win.
I would guess that was the reason for the inflammation causing the inability to the vaccine hesitancy caused by "tough guy" syndrome. He's a mechanic at an "American" dealership. Yep, this is the guy working on and inside "your" cars. His place of employment didn't even require his fellow employees to test after his positive results. Freedom. 'Murica... I will not support this mentality by purchasing an American car. My vote clearly doesn't have enough power in our country anymore. Maybe my wallet does.
Either way it's ridiculous and what's even better, at least you're admitting that testing for Covid-19 is 50% ********. Sounds about right.

I mean, we already know the vaccinated carry the disease. No need for more confirmation of what we already know.

I can't complete with that kind of stupidity. No one can. A new, ”more effective" covid strain can. Only solution going forward. May Darwinism win.

Keep on your crusade of hatred. [edit] intemperate personal attack removed... see RULE #4... JR [/edit]
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Keep on your crusade of hatred. [edit] intemperate personal attack removed... see RULE #4... JR [/edit]
I am not vile human trash. People who perpetuate and prolong the grip of this virus on our society are. I am not one of those people. As I have said before, humans are a reactive species, not proactive. If my neighbor can't understand that the inability to walk is not "just a bad cold", he will never get any smarter. Nor will anyone like him. The only thing that will create significant change is pain and death. This is being proven time after time, and usually by those who lean right. New variants and strains are/will be primarily due to people like my neighbor. I can't help that.
Either way it's ridiculous and what's even better, at least you're admitting that testing for Covid-19 is 50% ********. Sounds about right.
I would venture to say that people spreading false information such as this are the real problem, not my "vile human trash" self. Please provide your singular, anecdotal link proving the 50% BS claim that I did not admit to. You will probably blister your fingertips looking for it/one.
I mean, we already know the vaccinated carry the disease. No need for more confirmation of what we already know.
You do not use this information to help anything. It is documented that vaccinated people are less likely to contract and spread the virus, so your point is silly. Pointless, in fact. My bombastic sarcasm just offends those who associate themselves with other people who are behaving poorly. I would suggest making a change. It might help your mental state and will definitely help others in society.

Just so everyone can see/hear:

You called me vile human trash. BE A MAN AND STAND BY YOUR COMMENT...or just put a political, profane sign in your yard. Birds of a feather...
This has to be at least strike two...

you guys do not get 9 lives like a cat, more like 3 strikes .....

I am not the one who explode in anger and profanity because I "stuck my neck out" in a post and then was proven wrong. I am also not the one who clearly associates with those who behave badly and then again explode because their behavior is harmful to themselves and society. Cancel culture away, if you must.
For simplicity’s sake and not to clutter the forum, I will ignore your trolling from here on out. I stand by my comment 100%. Moderator felt the need to do his thing, not me. You are what you are. I’m not angry in the least.. maybe that next strain of covid you wish upon the unvaccinated will wipe me out! Ha!
OK enough... I am locking this thread because of incivility from multiple forum members... please find another outlet for your anger.

I started this thread as a harmless release mechanism but it isn't working as planned... go figure...

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