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Says the person who categorizes everything as conservatives, republican, muurica, hillbillies, etc.. Without data to back it up. So enough of your ******** already. 🤡
I'm pretty sure I usually attach a link to a reputable news source reporting on large studies or large "incidents" linked back to people behaving poorly, primarily on one side. I can't help it if the news regarding Covid, its deniers, and mitigation opposers primarily land on one side of the aisle. More profanity please. It reinforces your credibility.

edit: Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump, Lauren Boebert, Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, Ron DeSantis, Ron Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Larry Elder, Kevin McCarthy, Brian Kemp and almost any anti-mask parent at a school board meeting really ruin your argument about my observations and statements.


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So my idiot governor got some flack for referencing the slow acceptance of the "AIDS vaccine." He referred to the "AIDS vaccine" on at least 3 separate occasions.

There is, of course, no AIDS vaccine at this point in time. One of his assistants apparently told the media that the Governor was referring to the HPV vaccine & misspoke.

Ummmm....okay. If someone says HIV when they mean HPV, I get that. Simple mistake. But his insistence on calling it the "AIDS vaccine" would suggest that he doesn't actually know the difference between HIV & HPV--not to mention, he's so out of touch that he has no clue that there's no AIDS vaccine.

Yes, I call the man stupid, an idiot, a moron a lot. I hope it is now abundantly clear that I'm not just being mean or partisan.
Vermont, very highly vaccinated (highest state in US?), YOY numbers.. Stopping the spread? yea ok..


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Vermont, very highly vaccinated (highest state in US?), YOY numbers.. Stopping the spread? yea ok..
Yes. They're still 41st in the nation in cases per 100K--probably near their peak in this current wave, and about a third of the case rate in Tennessee at the moment. So yes, thank you for pointing out what a useful tool the vaccine is. I'm glad you're finally starting to figure it out.
I went to a source where I could see the current cases --per 100K-- as compared to those in other states. I don't need a cherry-picked graph. I'd much rather look at the context of the numbers than buy into whatever random chart or graph you choose. Here's another number: Vermont's death rate per 100K is one-tenth that in Florida at the moment, one-eighth of West Virginia's, one-fifth of Kentucky's.

Yes, I can read graphs. I read lots of them. Putting up one graph, sans context, tells me almost nothing. Thanks for trying, though. It's clear that you're willing to go to just about any length to rationalize your pre-formed beliefs.
My belief that the vaccines aren't stopping the spread? Just about any YOY graph will show infection rate is just about the same as last year anywhere in the world and that's without many breakthrough cases being reported. Keep in mind, when Covid first hit, EVERYONE was getting tested at drive up testing sites all over the place (asymptomatic or not). I would sure hope that the death tolls are decreasing.


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My belief that the vaccines aren't stopping the spread? Just about any YOY graph will show infection rate is just about the same as last year anywhere in the world and that's without many breakthrough cases being reported. Keep in mind, when Covid first hit, EVERYONE was getting tested at drive up testing sites all over the place (asymptomatic or not). I would sure hope that the death tolls are decreasing.
Year over year infection rate is pretty meaningless in this context, because the currently circulating version of the virus is 5+ times more contagious than the variant circulating one year ago (the Alpha variant wasn't detected until October of 2020, and even then the Alpha is far less contagious than Delta).

But context does not suit your argument, so I can understand why you'd ignore it.
the currently circulating version of the virus is 5+ times more contagious than the variant circulating one year ago
and probably 5+ times less dangerous.. There's a lot of assumptions about the 'delta' variant. Next year it'll be another, and so on..
But context does not suit your argument, so I can understand why you'd ignore it.
The bottom line is, the vaccines aren't stopping the spread. The numbers are what they are.
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and probably 5+ times less dangerous..

Is that seriously the best you can do here? You were happy to show a graph when you thought you could convince someone it supported your case. But "probably?" That's awfully weak. Could it be you have no actual evidence to support that "probably?" I personally have seen nothing of the sort. If you have any evidence that Delta is 5 times less dangerous than its predecessors, I think we'd all be happy to see it.
Probably? Is that seriously the best you can do here? You were happy to show a graph when you thought you could convince someone it supported your case. But "probably?" That's awfully weak. Could it be you have no actual evidence to support that "probably?" I personally have seen nothing of the sort. If you have any evidence that Delta is 5 times less dangerous than its predecessors, I think we'd all be happy to see it.
would you rather he lie, and claim to know things when he doesnt? the reason he likely said "probably" is because there are lots of conflicting studies about it, and a distinct lack of consensus. even the CDC doesnt seem to be making any definitive statements...
distinct lack of consensus
Lack of consensus on what ?

That the delta variant is more contagious ? That delta infection causes a higher viral load ? That delta patients respond less well to the few so far established therapeutics ?
I don't know what VE is. Virtual Environment ?

I know Variant of Interest and Variant of Concern. Alpha and delta are of the latter, delta with more spikes that can dock onto cells -- and they are of 'concern' cos if left unmitigated can cause a lot of damage to people, society, economy etc

Where is the lack of consensus ?
I don't know what VE is. Virtual Environment ?
I think that's what they use for vaccine effectiveness.

Where is the lack of consensus ?
There are indications that it could potentially be where the lack of definitiveness is but there are some limitations to this theory and further research needs to be made. But personally I think it's probably hanging out in places like Rumble, for now.
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I don't know what Rumble is, cos I don't follow US news that closely. Is that a person ?

Meanwhile the situation out there doesn't looked solved. Let's call it calm for now but fragile.

What we will likely see is governments of countries with low vaccination rates having to face some very tough decisions to make in autumn and winter. What that is going to be is hard to predict and depends on many things.

What our governments are less likely to do though is abandon large parts of their populations.

Meanwhile, I predict, life for unvaccinated people will get increasingly uncomfortable. First signs are clearly already here -- hence the loudness. Could ask the (ex-)smokers, cos they know all about it. But it will be much faster -- and get even louder ; )
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