South Korea did it the right way and only had 200 deaths, and they've already re-opened. They had their first COVID death approximately the same day as us. We've got 50,000+ deaths. Quickly approaching the Vietnam death toll. If people would have all stayed home for 3-4 weeks, we could have already been done with this for the most part, but 'Murica. As these idiots protest, it stretches out the time that I will go without working. I'm doing the right thing and suffering longer as these selfish jerks(seems to be mostly on the right)continue to exercise their "freedom" while slowly infecting others. I saw this lockdown coming and went out and purchased what I needed. I've ordered other items via delivery to stay at home. The only thing that appears to be overly restrictive is blood flow to certain individuals brains. Freedom, God and guns... with a little racism. Idiots.