covid politics

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I wore my cloth mask today to shop at Walmart, required again since the latest CDC guidance. I do not expect it would save any of my fellow shoppers from being infected with covid by me.
Well, you probably don't have COVID, so it probably would not make it more or less likely for you to infect someone. The latest study I found from a ruputable source(Mayo Clinic) on a very quick perusal of the internet indicates that even less than ideal masks, when all parties are masked, are indeed effective at mitigating the spread of the virus. But of course if genius eye doctor Rand Paul says masks don't work, the who are the Mayo Clinic to challenge his wise and just pronouncements?
[...] even less than ideal masks, when all parties are masked, are indeed effective at mitigating the spread of the virus.
That is knowledge taken for granted in Japan since middle of last year. They used their supercomputer to simulate particle dispersion. Result : both parties masked = best protection for all. The best result will come when everybody does what's best for themselves and for others.

Good thing over here is that masks and vaccines did not get ground up between party-political quarrels (US and EU). But then again, Japan never had a real hard lockdown. Now, with delta that might change.

Mask wearing has been common-day practice here for 1.5 years now. Compliance is and has always been in the high 90s in percentage. Back to 99.9% right now.

It's clear that here it's entered the next stage of the pandemic -- involving and affecting all those who are not yet vaccinated (including rising number of teenagers and smaller children). Absolutely no doubt about it when looking at published numbers of incidences per age groups.

Japan has always been very good at manual contact tracing (works very well when incidences are low). But they found with delta that spread within households is the biggest contributor here. If one member catches delta somewhere outside, it doesn't take three days for all other household members to get it too. So they have sort of given up relying on contact tracing plus introducing specific measures here and there and instead started weighing unprecedented restrictive measures.

Delta is not a joke ! Protect yourselves, those you love, those you don't , and everybody else.

!! Get your shots and wear masks !!

Only then they might not have to shut everything down again in your region later this year. Nobody wants that.

And no matter what you do, please try to keep collateral to an absolute minimum. There sure will be people who would thank you for it, if they only knew it was you.

!! Don't be scared, be reasonable !!
Good thing over here is that masks and vaccines did not get ground up between party-political quarrels (US and EU). But then again, Japan never had a real hard lockdown. Now, with delta that might change.

Mask wearing has been common-day practice here for 1.5 years now. Compliance is and has always been in the high 90s in percentage. Back to 99.9% right now.
Mask wearing appears to be more and more political over here. I saw signs on the entrance doors to Wal-Mart(70 miles west of Chicago) saying that ALL customers should wear masks, regardless of vaccination status...25% had them on, at best. There is good chance more "lockdowns" may be will be primarily because the behavior of those on the right and they will blame the lockdown on those who identify with the left. There is no way out of this conundrum in our country besides an enormous amount of people getting sick and dying to finally make an impact on enough lives in a personal way. People are not listening to science. They will reap what they sow.
Keep blaming the right and trying to divide us (I am not sure the data supports that). Indeed Walmart reinstated their mask policy citing the CDC advice. Anecdotally Thursday on my weekly food shopping trip I saw pretty much full mask compliance by shoppers inside Walmart (I wore a cloth mask).
Of course both people masked works better than one or none.... but masks are not an actual solution versus getting vaccinated.

I consider this a pretty low probability but hypothetically if I (fully vaccinated) suffer a breakthrough delta infection (likely to be symptomless or very mild), I could theoretically infect an unvaccinated person who could then suffer a serious infection.

Of course the government needs to be more persuasive about encouraging vaccination, a good start would be full FDA approval. President Biden could help that by nominating a permanent FDA chief.


PS: I reluctantly raise this question but I wonder if the history of the Tuskegee (syphilis) study, 1930s might explain some of the current distrust for the medical community and vaccination in the black and minority community, who seem disproportionately under-vaccinated. The medical community was guilty of some pretty hideous racism in the past. I trust that is no longer the case. Of course the racial dividers will keep this ugly history fresh, and I feel bad about helping them. Of course as Black and minority deaths accumulate this will be used to suggest systemic racism (a quick search turns up multiple cites). :rolleyes:
Keep blaming the right and trying to divide us (I am not sure the data supports that).
It does:
Definitely not get the vaccine:
Democrat: 18%
Republican: 58%
Even though more Democrats (87 percent) than Republicans (69 percent) say they understand the mask guidance, Democrats are twice as likely to wear a mask all the time (54 vs. 27 percent). Those numbers hold even among those who have been jabbed: 56 percent of vaccinated Democrats and 27 percent of vaccinated Republicans report wearing a mask all the time.
Yes, it is mainly the right that is perpetuating this divisiveness regarding the pandemic. I really don't know if it's stupidity (decreased cognitive abilities), social milieu, emotional inability, or some undefined personality disorder. Although they are causing greater suffering for everybody, both in the present and probably the future during this pandemic, they seem to be getting what they signed up for.

Results from 2 adult samples (n = 409 and 574) in which abilities scores were collected in individual testing sessions, revealed that emotional abilities are significantly and negatively related to social-cultural and economic-hierarchical right-wing attitudes, as well as to blatant ethnic prejudice. These relationships were as strong as those found for cognitive abilities.
and I thought my mental acuity and cognitive decline was because I'm getting older... :unsure:

My annual check up is in a few weeks, I'll ask my doctor if there any medicine I can take to correct for being republican?:rolleyes:


Do you guys believe that poop..? we are clearly watching two different movies. I am almost tempted to let the ignorant anti-vaxxers live and die with their bad choices, but that would be unkind to both the poor country mice, and poor city mice.

The good news is that vaccination rates are increasing, and the gap between low minority and non-minority vaccination rates are narrowing.

I was talking to my neighbor the druggist this morning and he has moderna in stock inside his drug store. This wasn't the case back several months ago.

I am optimistic about almost everything but damn politics, that seems to be getting worse.

"The government is out to get us - don't trust the government."
I have a relative that believes this "poop" - I call her Chemtrail Girl.

That the vaccines were developed too fast - they're experimental
That the vaccine includes a microchip
That the vaccine makes you magnetic
That the vaccine alters your DNA,
That the vaccine can be “shed” from one person to another
That the vaccine is causing Covid-19 variants
That the vaccine has already led to a large number of deaths

I'll believe in "poop" that has evidence to back it up (though still may not be correct), rather than the paranoid wacko batshit stuff that seems to pervade so many that refuse the vaccine.

he has moderna in stock inside his drug store
Profitable maybe, now that folks are getting scared into a jab?
Simon says... "Mask on".

Simon says... "Mask off".

Mask on... :unsure:

The Republicans around me never listened to Simon, then Simon said get vaccinated, then Simon said you could take your mask off if you were VACCINATED...then all Republicans took their masks off. Mask off if you're vaccinated... Republicans are really sh*tty with that "honor system" thing. CDC says unvaccinated should have NEVER taken their masks off... :unsure:
CDC says unvaccinated should have NEVER taken their masks off... :unsure:
Not sure that's 100% true but finding where the changes in guidance are is tricky ...

Maybe some dated articles give clues or show errors in reporting...Confusing for sure.... Too bad aquired immunity isn't talked about much outside of comparing it to vaccination. Surely it has to play some kind of role in some of this....
"According to new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), you don’t need to wear a mask outdoors if you’re walking, running, biking, or hiking on your own or with members of your household, whether you’re fully vaccinated or not."
"In April, the CDC updated its advice on mask-wearing. The agency says both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals can safely unmask while:

  • Walking, running, hiking or biking outside alone or with members of the same household.
  • Attending a small outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated family and friends."
I just got Covid a couple of weeks ago, as did my girlfriend..

Lost my sense of smell for a week or so and had a 'fever' that peaked at 37.5 for one day. She had 38.2 for a couple of days.

Not at all a heavy illness in our case. Your strain may be much worse than the one I encountered.

I suspect that there are countless 'versions' of the virus, even though the media only recognizes very few.
as far as the political raison d'être, we can only guess IMO.

I suspect that the need for an acceleration towards a global citizen database is part of it. The Chinese have the Social Credit system which is working well enough for them and I suspect that there is some 'appreciation' of that model by the people who are planning for the future of global society.

In the future, if everyone has a personal global ID, which monitors their health and whatever else, it should also be easier overall to convert that to a global fiscal id.

There is also a current financial element to it all, as would be expected. One aspect is the increased quantitative easing, under the pandemic emergency asset buying plans etc (huge increases in currency this year), and the other is a 'training' of the population to use online sales, which tend to favor large corporate 'global' companies, because they have the advantage in that field. Mom and pop stores are, perhaps, unwanted competition.

As far as Bars and restaurants, Bars are notorious for dealing in cash, and free socializing happens there, without the need for social media. Restaurants sometimes are difficult to control, tax-wise. I am not sure if the reduction of street life is really something that can be achieved, or that is desireable in the eyes of the powers that be, but I have noticed that nightlife is nowhere what it used to be, years ago.

I am glad to see that there is a possibility of talking about the political side on this forum in a calm and rational manner.
welcome to the scrum.... yes we try to keep it civil here.

You didn't share where you live, and whether it was a breakthrough case in already vaccinated individuals, or unvaccinated.

Glad you and your girl friend are OK...

Yes vaccine passports are not as popular with citizens as they are with governments. I think the street protests in France may be about that.

How about the mask protests in the USA, with medics being attacked for no other reason than wearing a mask?

Schools mandating masks for their students while in class was the only reason for protests in several places.

I can understand people protesting mandated vaccination, but wearing a mask?
Do you think that I am the only republican here?

Even if I was, smearing tens of millions of our fellow citizens with the same partisan invective is not very civil.

I do not think you are the only Republican here, but you are the one who chooses to push most of the headlines/talking points. I implore any Republican to debate behavior regarding Covid influenced by party propaganda.

Not very civil is choosing to do whatever one pleases when it comes to contagion. I shall continue to smear as long as extremely selfish behavior occurs (a very Republican trait). It's not really "smearing" at that point. It is illegal to knowingly have HIV and have intercourse with someone. I'm not sure there's much of a difference when it comes to covid, but... Freedom. 'Murica.

edit: I have no issues smearing a party that contains and supports our racists and white supremacists, Q-Anon believers, gun nuts, political anti-vaxxers, public service haters, capitalists, separatists, tribalists, etc.

If the party would "clean house", I wouldn't have to broadly smear. Don't you think it's "weird" that almost all racists in our country lean to the right. I could go on and on, but behavior regarding covid is low hanging fruit.
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I refuse to be silenced by the wokesters.

Sticks and stones... I know what you are trying to do.

Just look up hospital capacity for southeast states. This is unquestionably brought about by Republican messaging. I'm just glad I don't have to "own" these issues. I would if I stood by those that have brought this upon themselves and others, but I don't. All Republicans can stand tall as hospitals run out of room(because they have as my crystal ball predicted), but they'll place blame on others and China and "wokesters". SHAME ON the USa.
I make up my own talking points, like how we were caught by surprise the first time around but in the over one year since we have built up manufacturing to supply the hospital equipment we were short of the first time around, including PPE.

Not to mention we now have a portfolio of medical treatments to mitigate serious covid infections.
My messaging is to get f'n vaccinated unless you have a valid medical excuse.

Use your common sense we all have some. The sky is not falling (unless maybe if you live in Kabul).

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