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Not to mention we now have a portfolio of medical treatments to mitigate serious covid infections.

Like Regeneron? Looks like another anti-vaxxer politician with the hand in the cookie jar...while spreading UNHELPFUL information to the public. Why use a condom when you can manage AIDS and herpes? Same thing, expect DeSantis received 21 MILLION DOLLARS through this donor/PAC...sorta a Rand Paul situation. Probably more dastardly.
Republicans, this is your doing. Period. 184,000 cases reported yesterday which translates to 3960 deaths per day at a 2.2% mortality rate... COMING SOON TO A REFRIGERATED TRUCK NEAR YOU!!!
I'm thinking about selling my crystal balls in the White Market...This was Nov 15, 2020. Behavior and results have not changed. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks...and vaccines are available now. May they experience the definition of Darwinism... priceless that a "small government" state is asking the Federal government for aid after NOT ADHERING TO CDC RECOMMENDATIONS. You can't make this stuff up.
black and minority community, who seem disproportionately under-vaccinated.
Certainly a complex issue. I don't think you'd find just one answer. Two things I've come across lately: One was Mississippi congressman Bennie Thompson noting that 4 counties in his district had NO vaccination sites. So access is an issue. (It's worth noting there was federal money available to help remedy the issues with access, but MS's GOP governor couldn't be bothered.) And there was a survey of unvaxxed I saw today that noted that maybe 20% would be more likely to get vaxxed if they could get paid time off to get the shot and or recover from after effects. LOTS of black & brown folks work jobs where paid time off is nonexistent, paid sick leave is nonexistent, and missing work for whatever reason might lead to job loss.

Certainly these aren't the only reasons minority vaxx rates lag, but they're part of the picture.
Certainly a complex issue. I don't think you'd find just one answer. Two things I've come across lately: One was Mississippi congressman Bennie Thompson noting that 4 counties in his district had NO vaccination sites.
I enjoy when you school me about MS.

I had to look up who that is and where his district is (halfway between Jackson and Memphis). Perhaps of interest here, Greenwood is where Robert Johnson is buried.

As I have shared before there "was" no vaccination site in my county. Back a few months ago I had to drive to the next county over, to get my jabs.

So access is an issue. (It's worth noting there was federal money available to help remedy the issues with access, but MS's GOP governor couldn't be bothered.)
Those damn republicans..... As I recall from back when I was pursuing my vaccinations the limiting factor was availability of vaccines, not our Governor.

Now there are multiple places where I could get jabbed in my home county. Without searching I see Walmart offering jabs, and even my local health clinic, within walking distance, now has a sign out front offering free vaccinations. Where I live is poor, but not MS delta poor, like Greenwood. Even Greenwood has walk-in vaccinations available from a local CVS. MSDH has been supporting pop-up vaccination sites in poor areas (like Choctaw and Smith county). As I shared before even my druggist neighbor has covid vaccine available in his drug store freezer now.
And there was a survey of unvaxxed I saw today that noted that maybe 20% would be more likely to get vaxxed if they could get paid time off to get the shot and or recover from after effects.
Free sh__ the universal government answer for all problems ?
LOTS of black & brown folks work jobs where paid time off is nonexistent, paid sick leave is nonexistent, and missing work for whatever reason might lead to job loss.
I see lots of signs trying to hire workers (mostly fast food places) but I am not paying close attention.
Certainly these aren't the only reasons minority vaxx rates lag, but they're part of the picture.
Trying not to repeat myself too much, candidates saying not to trust the vaccines before the election to discredit then President Trump cast shade on the vaccines. The FDA temporarily paused the J&J vaccine for 10 days back in April, creating doubt about all vaccines. The FDA still has not formally approved the vaccines, despite issuing an emergency approval for a third jab for immunosuppressed individuals. A lot of the doubts about vaccines are created by government actions.


I am not big on conspiracy theories but am alert to the potential to prolong this "health emergency" for political strategy. I am not claiming that this is happening but I trust your side about as much as you trust mine.

Free sh__ the universal government answer for all problems ?


Seriously? There are people who might not make rent if they have to miss two days of work. There are people whose jobs are at risk if they miss two days of work. That is some seriously arrogant garbage you just typed there. You live in one of the poorest states in the country--maybe you should go and find out what life is really like for your less well-off fellow Mississippians.

P.S. I'd like to think you made that comment just to get a rise out of me, but I really doubt it. And more's the pity.
But I think this is the most apropos insight from that fact check into the whole antivax situation:

"It's not unusual for hospitals to sit at max or near max capacity on any given day," reads text in an Aug. 2 Facebook post. "The media would like you to think this is a new thing, but it's not. They are lying to you to create fear and uncertainty."
I should be clear about my post above - what I meant was that it is bullshit posts on social media like that one that illustrate one foundation of the anticovid vax problem - social media and the belief that if someone posted it, it must be true..
Tribalism for the win...
Stand tall, Republicans. They make my points over and over and over and over...

1.6 million African-Americans unvaccinated in Texas.

5.4 million white unvaccinated in Texas.

edit: for those who won't open the link, Texas' Lt. Governor claimed the excessive covid spread was because of black people...I mean they are dirtier than everyone else and come from sh*thole countries.
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Mandates, vaccine 'passports' and shaming for ineffective 'vaccines'? Yea, that make sense.
I could find hundreds to thousands of links to prove your "ineffective vaccines" statement FALSE. You're the person who screams 1st Amendment infringement when a PRIVATE social media outlet pulls your post. Oddly enough, I encourage you to spread information like this. Fight my war for me without bullets. Thank you for your service. F*ck the children. I have none
If Brett's guest, Dr. Kory, is trustworthy in his bonafides and research, large populations that used it saw a significant drop in ventilator needs. If true, trying to cast doubt on its efficacy with psychological tricks instead of hard data is borderline criminal. Certainly would be in big pharma's interests to do so, as Ivermectin is cheap and has no open patents to capitalize upon.
The good 'ole crystal ball is ON FIRE. Ivermectin poisoning is way up in MS. Dopes.
Quite astonishing what some people would do to themselves.

Ivermectin, the one for humans (not the one for cattle !!), was a big hope in Japan last year (Japan invented it), AFAIR), but they completely gave up on it.

Better drugs are available (well, a measly three to be exact) that are used right now for treatment in hospitals in Japan (and other countries including the US, I'd think). However, those drugs can lead to damage of liver, kidneys etc. So not really a good choice either.

Leaves what... ?
The good 'ole crystal ball is ON FIRE. Ivermectin poisoning is way up in MS. Dopes.
Little unclear what the connection to boji's quote is outside of the name Ivermectin.

Ivermectin, the one for humans (not the one for cattle !!), was a big hope in Japan last year (Japan invented it), AFAIR), but they completely gave up on it.
Why did they give up? For treatment or prophylaxis? Or both?
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