All things equal, if you have a constant noise floor and more headroom (signal swing), in principle you have more dynamic range available. In practice it's not quite so simple. You are not going to encounter line sources with silly high voltage swings so you'd have to apply gain to those sources to get the swing up. That gain would also increase source and input noise along with the signal for a wash. Likewise you aren't going to find outboard gear ready to accept huge peak to peak voltages so once again you must pull back on level. This would only preserve S/N if you added a pad to interface with lower rail gear.
Looking into the way back machine, once upon a time the API consoles all discrete design and hotter than IC op-amp rails delivered slightly more bus headroom, but this benefit was more perceived than real, only a couple dB.
Good attention to design detail will do far more than brute force high voltage power supplies. With input stages the noise is characterized by the very first stage. To fill +/- 45V rails will take 3x the gain as +/- 15V rails so while the signal is 3x so is the noise, so S/N is the same.
At the summing bus, you could combine 3x as many 15V signals before clipping, but you will still have to pad that down before sending it to any conventional path again, so you end up with the same S/N as the bus running at appropriate gain to not clip in the first place.
I see some transitory benefit in bus headroom, but this is not better than properly scaled normal rails, just perhaps a little easier. While probably sellable to some recording types, for use before they route their signals to A/D convertors running from a 3.3V rail.