I finished building the compressor and the result so far is a big failure. I made the right channel works correctly but the left channel there is no way that works.
The signal is passed correctly and arrive on the output, but the compression works only a few seconds, after this period of time the effect compression disappears, the vumeter returns to 0 value, meaning it is in bypass status.
A curiosity is that when I put the compressor in link mode, the channel left compressor works, but does so to a lesser extent than the right channel. I tried several different vactrols quite the same result, it is as if the right channel operates at 100% compression and the left channel only 50%. This is something I am confused.
All voltages of the circuit in both channels are correct. I changed all the pots, cables, valves, transformers, the Vumeter and the vactrol. I have checked all the capacitors are working correctly and it seems that there are no false contacts. The point is that I no longer know what else to do, I think it can not be changed more objects, but the left channel of the compressor still does not work. I do not know what can be wrong ... Does anyone have any idea to solve this whole issue?
Thanks for the replies.