Hi, im trying to finish this build that i started a loooong time ago.
I have two edcor xs1100 transformers that i was gonna use for the inputs, but im not sure how to wire them exactly. the windings are 2+2:1+1 i think.
The data for the transformer is here. http://edcorusa.com/products/346-xs1100.aspx
Can somebody please take a gander at the specs and tell me what would the best way to use it? It would save me alot of headache since its been ages i had to hookup a transformer last.
Btw, is it possible to connect it in backwards somehow so that i get some stepup gain, so i dont have to send a superhot signal for the unit to compress? Or will that **** with the impedances?
Thanks for any help or guidance on where to read up on this.