salomonander said:im also slighty confused about the transistores. are ac107, nkt216 and oc44 all the same and interchangable? cheers
i found a great source for mullard ac107. so im wondering if i can use them for nkt216 and oc44 as well?
salomonander said:i have seen that thanks. but it only suggests that ac107 and nkt216 are equivalents (if im reading it right). but looking at b100 for instance it sometimes mentions an ac107 (tekays drawing for instance) and other times an oc44. on the pics its an oc44 as well. so im just wondering if all of these three are actually the same...
API said:I will try to get the scans done tomorrow and measure them as well then.
About the line input i am pretty sure that it should be a 10k:600ohm transformer like the later 31267 used in the silicon modules.
I think the model used was the MU7526 but i can check tomorrow as well.
API said:All cards measure 57,4mm or 2 1/4” wide and 88,8 or 3 1/2” long with the golden fingers.
The finger part measures ca 43mm wide and 7mm high.
salomonander said:thanks API, sorry for the late reply. just got back from holidays.
ps: anyone know what the b104/20 card is? its used in the 1059 preamp but i cant find any info on it
API said:Sharing is caring..