Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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hi im interested in a SB4000 enchi that is

...and even interested in a great river OR green pre. i cant see the green pre on your page. are they in stock and can you send them with the SB4000 kit? or should i order separate?

Unfortunately i have not had time to package the green kits...I have most of the parts and boards, but I just simply have to much on my plate right now. Ordering them at the same time as the SB4000 won't really save you any money anyway...

I love how the "whole enchilada" seems to have caught on as a catchphrase, hilarious...
Payment sent via paypal for the whole enchilada. Thanks for getting all this together
I have done a new order n658(2 turbo kit)
can I add (2 crc kit )on this order  pay  just the difference and 1 shipping(all together)
thank you! :D
new order done for 2 crc kit
so orders are :658(2 turbokit) and 659(2 crc kit)
thanks! ;D
Hi Ptownkid, I'v done an order on 9/13/2010 (#651), and payed it of course. These week or next I was expecting on to recive it but I just looked on website account and it says that is still "Processing"... is it shipped, not? when you expect you can ship it? Thanks!  ;)

whats the shipping fees to montreal for a pair of Great Rivers??
Need to calculate my budget...