Hi All. CK12 capsules can be an absolute pain to make but in saying that I think we know what we are doing. we have made over 3000 CK12 backplates this year alone and have sold hundreds of these capsules to in ones and two's and even more in large batches. As far as I know, we have satisfied each and every one of Customer.
@TIM, hi mate, we too measure each and every capsule. for one off customers, we guarantee 0.5pf of variation between the backplates and if they buy more than one capsule we guarantee 1pf capsule to capsule. For our larger orders of 20+ capsules, we will guarantee 0.5pf plate to plate and capsule to capsule. For our larger orders, we can even manufacture to the specified capacitance +/_0.25pf.
If you have a New CK12 capsule that doesn't sound right, it would make sense to send it back for replacement or warranty. why would you send it elsewhere unless.......
There are some really decent ck12 manufacturers out there. Most buy their metalwork from trusted local machine shops and then finish and tune the parts, then assemble the capsule and they do a really nice job. We take it one step further, we buy the raw materials, program and tool the multi axis Cnc machine, man the machines, sputter the diaphragms and tune then assemble the capsules. Are we better than the others? no we aren't but we are just as capable and we make way more than all of the other manufacturers combined.
I love that there are options these days, but to say a capsule doesn't sound right and not allow the manufacturer a chance to fix it; (putting on my best English accent) "That's just not proper"!!