Fostex 4030 tape-synchroniser and add-ons

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2006
Zevenaar, The Netherlands
Hi guys,

I just purchased a Fostex E8 multitrackmachine, with a 4030 synchroniser and a 4010 TC generator/reader and 4011 unit. About 10 years back I already had a set of Tascams with a 4030 and a 4035 controller, that worked pretty neat. I also synced Cubase to it.

This time,  I don't have the 4035 controller, or a dedicated E8 controller. I'm hoping I'm able to control the 4030 with MMC, via some kind of adapter. I have been searching on the net for info, but I couldn't find anything satisfying yet. I did found a 4020 Events Controller for sale, that has been built for the 4030 synchroniser and Fostex taperecorders, but there's no info available about this 4020. It has midi in/thru/out, so, I'm hoping this is suitable as a MMC interface for the 4030.

Since there are so many gurus here, I'm wondering if there's anybody that knows what the 4020 is for ?
No one ?
Well, today the ebayseller sent me a PDF of the manual of the 4020. I thought the 4020 would be connected to the 4030 synchronised but this isn't the case. It's connected  and synced to the recorder, and can control the transportfunctions. (for instance for punch in and outs). It doesn't control the speed though, or puts in TC to go to.

So, I already figured out MMC isn't supported with the 4020, but the manual doesn't say anything at all, about what can be done with the featured midi input !! My first guess was MTC, but according the manual the 4020 syncs via smpte or LTC. Not a word about MTC. (which isn't relevant for me anyway, I have a seperate smpte-MTC converter).

I'm hoping the unit is usable to read midinotes or sysex , and convert that to several commands  for transport functions. I've read a post on the internet (dated 1997) of a guy that recommends a 4020 for use as a midi control for a cd player. But can someone confirm that this is possible ?
I know it's been a while but can I check if you still have the Fostex 4030 syncroniser unit? I have one of these and use it with my Fostex R8 8-track machine. Sync is really solid.
I am looking for any information about the RS-232 port on the 4030. It allowed the 4030 to be remote controlled via RS-232 commands.
I think it needs the V3.0 or later EPROM fitted to do this.
If you still have your 4030 would you mind checking which EPROM version is fitted. There will be a label on top of the EPROM so it's easy to spot if you pop the lid off.
Many thanks