Geezer in FL

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Apr 4, 2022
Retired, 69, I have at least a dozen each of R2R's, cassette decks, guitars, amps, and misc electronics that I mostly can't fix electronically. And a few motorcycles. I have replaced some caps successfully and can usually find a broken wire. But I am good with the mechanicals, I was a motorcycle tech back in the day and have tons of tools. I am on some other forums and I am hoping to learn by reading things here, and posting if you allow noob electronic questions. I also have a youtube channel called 2wheelsturnin with songs mostly done on multi track tape.
I don't have a problem fixing motorcycles, I was a Honda dealer tech in the 70's in PA and a Harley dealer tech in the 90's in FL. I couldn't count the number of carburetors I have cleaned after customers let them sit all winter (in Pennsylvania). I also fixed lots of DC electrical problems but tape decks are a different story...logic circuits, etc.
Welcome to the group. I am 71 and there is a bunch of us baby boomers on here.There is no problem with noob electronics questions here. I have a degree in electronics but I am useless at mechanics so maybe you can help me with some noob mechanical questions.

Rock On


No problem with questions if I have experience with the problem. You have a degree in electronics??? HELLO GOOD BUDDY LOL.
Welcome aboard!

When you start to repair those tape machines you might want to start another YouTube channel and call it "Two Reels Turning."
That sounds cool. What machine did you use for locations?
I started in the late 60s with a Brenell MK5 stereo reel to reel. We used to record a backing track then bounce to the other track adding vocals. I later upgraded to 4 track TEAC A3440 with dbx and a Revox A77 high speed for mastering and finally a Fostex R8. Then I went digital :(


I don't have a problem fixing motorcycles, I was a Honda dealer tech in the 70's in PA and a Harley dealer tech in the 90's in FL. I couldn't count the number of carburetors I have cleaned after customers let them sit all winter (in Pennsylvania). I also fixed lots of DC electrical problems but tape decks are a different story...logic circuits, etc.
Back in the 80s I had two young punks steal my motorcycle (DT360) out of my open front garage while I was home. One kept me busy at my front door while the other loaded the bike into his van. I noticed it was missing almost immediately, chased them out into the street and got their license plate number. The police recovered the bike from the woods behind their house, but then held it in evidence for several months. I finally got the police to release it back to me by asking in a letter who would be responsible for damages since they didn't prep it for storage. It was released back to me within days of my letter.
We had a 1/4" open reel RCA tape recorder in the house while growing up in the 1950s. Dad worked for RCA so that was a popular brand around the casa.

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I don't want to hate anybody....but I hate thieves, especially motorcycle thieves.

I missed reel to reel the first time around but I got one about 20 years ago and that set me off on a buying mission. Now I have a pile of them.
I don't want to hate anybody....but I hate thieves, especially motorcycle thieves.
speaking from experience they were (are) dumb asses...

A few years later I had a different bike (RD400) almost stolen from outside my condominium apartment. I had to park it outside and used a heavy chain and padlock looped through the back wheel. This time the miscreant manhandled the bike about 50 yards down the long driveway entrance but was likely scared away by a neighbor pulling into the parking area. The next morning I discovered my bike still where they left it, 50 yards away from where I parked it the night before.

Come to think of it I have been robbed more times while living in CT than in any other state.
