GssL 20th Anniversary edition

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Hi Gustav & Isak
a bit not much exciting.....,

unfortunately actually diy is getting a little expensive for various type of units,
in addition in the used market it is not difficult to find ready-to-use units,
also in 500 shape,
at little more than the cost of the materials needed for the diy one,
saving the assembly and testing time,
.....however the most fun side,

maybe that even the diy lack of the decrease in interest in general from the younger generation
who all seem to want to be only socials influencers....,

perhaps a version in the 500 format might have more interest ?
As many people prefer the 500 format,
also because it is more comfortable to place in the operational area,
in addition to allowing to have units of different types in the same portable box,
only as well.

Thank you for your input :)
