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JohnRoberts said:
dmp said:
As people on the high end and low end of the income scale spread further apart, the unfairness becomes more apparent to the less privileged.
I wrote  years ago that it was economics not race, driving crime in most poor neighborhoods. The breakdown in the nuclear family  has given us a generation of young people without good parental role models  and moral instruction.  Where is Dr Huxtable when we need him?  ???

Unfair treatment of poor people to one.....
poor people's own fault to the other.....

i had a very interesting dialog the other day,  i was having a cigaret, outside of the local bar...
this person came out for cigaret too, so we started to chat... the min. i heard this person was from
Chicago and visiting CA, i asked about the danger/shootings in Chicago... (never been there, i was curios to hear from a local person)

from this person
exact words:
"ohhh nothing to worry, we give couple of guns to N's  hands, they kill each other!"
then back to bar...

mattiasNYC said:
JohnRoberts said:
dmp said:
As people on the high end and low end of the income scale spread further apart, the unfairness becomes more apparent to the less privileged.
I wrote  years ago that it was economics not race, driving crime in most poor neighborhoods. The breakdown in the nuclear family  has given us a generation of young people without good parental role models  and moral instruction.  Where is Dr Huxtable when we need him?  ???

Unfair treatment of poor people to one.....
poor people's own fault to the other.....

I grow weary of you always trying to put words in my mouth.

I blame welfare and the expanded entitlement programs for creating perverse economic incentives that encourage single parent families, and discourage self-sufficiency..  On top of that, poor economic policy has thwarted GDP growth which hurts everybody. The central bank policy to inflate hard assets tend to help the people who own assets (duh) while despite years of this they still haven't bailed out all the insane underwater mortgages.. Government and central bank policy have made the wealthy richer while not helping the middle class and working poor. 

Bill Cosby (at least his TV character) was a positive role model.


PS: My father died when I was about 10YO. My mother went to work full time and raised us 4 kids. Today she'd be accused of child abuse for leaving us to fend for ourselves after school, do chores around the house, and even cook the family meals.
kambo said:
i had a very interesting dialog the other day,  i was having a cigaret, outside of the local bar...
this person came out for cigaret too, so we started to chat... the min. i heard this person was from
Chicago and visiting CA, i asked about the danger/shootings in Chicago... (never been there, i was curios to hear from a local person)

from this person
exact words:
"ohhh nothing to worry, we give couple of guns to N's  hands, they kill each other!"
then back to bar...

That is a truly ugly sentiment but the routine shootings in Chicago do not seem to get much media attention, or action from the political elite..

Over the 4th of July weekend they put a third more police on the streets but still had 10 people killed and 55 wounded. This is an improvement over last years 82 shot and 16 killed, but not enough.

The police superintendent (McCarthy) blames too lax sentencing for gun crimes.  That does not seem like a very elegant solution, and runs counter to modern trends toward shorter sentences. It couldn't hurt to get bad actors off the streets, even if it's after the fact. Surely better than allowing them back on the street without much deterrence .

I do not have a better solution... Maybe install huge ass electromagnets that will rip guns out of peoples pockets when they walk past.  8) (sorry I know this isn't funny, but it is frustrating to watch this violence play out over the years).

This needs to be fixed by local community leaders supporting the police not demonizing them
It is important that the police officers live in the neighborhoods they serve.
It's been a fight in Wisconsin to overturn local rules that require residency - a move in the wrong direction. Another law from the Republican Governor here - he is doing so much harm to the state.

That senator didn't get special treatment. He is more powerful and more wealthy than I am (probably?).
That is because they were stereotyping him.

The breakdown in the nuclear family  has given us a generation of young people without good parental role models  and moral instruction.
Maybe a lack of opportunity that drives people to bad outcomes is more to blame.

Leaders and media don't need to pour fuel on this fire. 
The "us vs them" tone of the RNC and the sky is falling message are doing a lot of damage.

Interestingly, they closed the RNC with "we are the Champions" - a song written by Freddie Mercury, a bi-sexual man. Ironic that they would do this with the Republican anti-LGBT platform.

dmp said:
Interestingly, they closed the RNC with "we are the Champions" - a song written by Freddie Mercury, a bi-sexual man. Ironic that they would do this with the Republican anti-LGBT platform.

i was watching it  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
i am having a great time  :)

JohnRoberts said:
mattiasNYC said:
JohnRoberts said:
dmp said:
As people on the high end and low end of the income scale spread further apart, the unfairness becomes more apparent to the less privileged.
I wrote  years ago that it was economics not race, driving crime in most poor neighborhoods. The breakdown in the nuclear family  has given us a generation of young people without good parental role models  and moral instruction.  Where is Dr Huxtable when we need him?  ???

Unfair treatment of poor people to one.....
poor people's own fault to the other.....

I grow weary of you always trying to put words in my mouth.

I blame welfare and the expanded entitlement programs for creating perverse economic incentives that encourage single parent families, and discourage self-sufficiency..  On top of that, poor economic policy has thwarted GDP growth which hurts everybody. The central bank policy to inflate hard assets tend to help the people who own assets (duh) while despite years of this they still haven't bailed out all the insane underwater mortgages.. Government and central bank policy have made the wealthy richer while not helping the middle class and working poor. 

Bill Cosby (at least his TV character) was a positive role model.


The context was how police treat people differently. You then ended up with "young people without good parental role models  and moral instruction".

Add to that your previous statement about how one needs to respect the police and act accordingly. It's hard to not think that your view is that these people simply don't know how to act and therefore suffer this different treatment.

Bill Cosby makes for an interesting example for sure.
dmp said:
This needs to be fixed by local community leaders supporting the police not demonizing them
It is important that the police officers live in the neighborhoods they serve.
It's been a fight in Wisconsin to overturn local rules that require residency - a move in the wrong direction. Another law from the Republican Governor here - he is doing so much harm to the state.
The best we can expect is for the police forces to reflect the same diversity as the community they police, while this sounds a little too much like profiling and racial stereotyping.

Police probably can't afford to live in very wealthy neighborhoods, and probably choose not to live in the poorest neighborhoods.
That senator didn't get special treatment. He is more powerful and more wealthy than I am (probably?).
That is because they were stereotyping him.
The breakdown in the nuclear family  has given us a generation of young people without good parental role models  and moral instruction.
Maybe a lack of opportunity that drives people to bad outcomes is more to blame.
The US probably offers the best opportunity for advancement of anywhere in the world. Advancement cannot be handed to people, they need to earn it. I guess you could just award income to people (some actually propose that), but unless they participate and do something to advance themselves, they will always be at the bottom of the barrel.  While the bottom of the barrel in the US is much higher than many other countries.
Leaders and media don't need to pour fuel on this fire. 
The "us vs them" tone of the RNC and the sky is falling message are doing a lot of damage.
I was wondering who watched that poop...
Interestingly, they closed the RNC with "we are the Champions" - a song written by Freddie Mercury, a bi-sexual man. Ironic that they would do this with the Republican anti-LGBT platform.
Those scumbag republicans....  ;D ;D


PS: Interesting tidbit about honor killings. In Pakistan more than 500 people, mostly women die from honor killings. There is a loophole in Pakistani law where the family can forgive the murderer and avoid any punishment.

Israel is deploying hundreds of police and security officers to protect this year's gay pride parade in Jerusalem. Last year a 16YO parade participant was killed (stabbed) by a religious zealot.   
JohnRoberts said:
The US probably offers the best opportunity for advancement of anywhere in the world.
Apparently the US ranks around 13th (just 1 ahead of Belgium) for Opportunity. Not bad, but Canada is actually number 1 for this. I was expecting a Scandinavian country at the top. They're all in the top 10 besides Norway, just above the USA at number 12.,dim2,dim3
Matt Nolan said:
JohnRoberts said:
The US probably offers the best opportunity for advancement of anywhere in the world.
Apparently the US ranks around 13th (just 1 ahead of Belgium) for Opportunity. Not bad, but Canada is actually number 1 for this. I was expecting a Scandinavian country at the top. They're all in the top 10 besides Norway, just above the USA at number 12.,dim2,dim3

while I find Johns comment misguided and whitemans privileged view of the US, I don't exactly understand why Finland ranks as high as it does. While there's no true poverty there's no opportunity to truly make it here either. The entire nation has been normalised to one big block of middle class. Entrepreneurship has been stifled and is generally discouraged on a very large scale. If there ever was a communist utopia, this is as close as it gets. The bureaucratic overhead is ridiculous.
Kingston said:
Matt Nolan said:
JohnRoberts said:
The US probably offers the best opportunity for advancement of anywhere in the world.
Apparently the US ranks around 13th (just 1 ahead of Belgium) for Opportunity. Not bad, but Canada is actually number 1 for this. I was expecting a Scandinavian country at the top. They're all in the top 10 besides Norway, just above the USA at number 12.,dim2,dim3

while I find Johns comment misguided and whitemans privileged view of the US, I don't exactly understand why Finland ranks as high as it does. While there's no true poverty there's no opportunity to truly make it here either. The entire nation has been normalised to one big block of middle class. Entrepreneurship has been stifled and is generally discouraged on a very large scale. If there ever was a communist utopia, this is as close as it gets. The bureaucratic overhead is ridiculous.
Did it all go downhill in the last 2 years?
Matt Nolan said:
Did it all go downhill in the last 2 years?
Ah, maybe it did
Kingston said:
Matt Nolan said:
JohnRoberts said:
The US probably offers the best opportunity for advancement of anywhere in the world.
Apparently the US ranks around 13th (just 1 ahead of Belgium) for Opportunity. Not bad, but Canada is actually number 1 for this. I was expecting a Scandinavian country at the top. They're all in the top 10 besides Norway, just above the USA at number 12.,dim2,dim3

while I find Johns comment misguided and whitemans privileged view of the US, I don't exactly understand why Finland ranks as high as it does. While there's no true poverty there's no opportunity to truly make it here either. The entire nation has been normalised to one big block of middle class. Entrepreneurship has been stifled and is generally discouraged on a very large scale. If there ever was a communist utopia, this is as close as it gets. The bureaucratic overhead is ridiculous.
It's a social progressive index....  time for a group hug.  ;D

Yes, I am a product of my life experience. I don't feel very privileged (I was drafted and served during Viet Nam so paid some dues, not to mention taxes), but I do appreciate the advantages I enjoy from being born in the USA. After visiting a number of different countries have no desire to relocate...

Unlike supreme court Justice Ginsberg who has threatened to move to NZ if Trump gets elected.  I suspect some would be willing to chip in for her ticket after she embarrassed the court, injecting herself into national politics.  The Hatch act only applies to the executive branch and excuses the president and vice president for political activity.

The odds of Trump winning seems to be running into the typical republican circular firing squad. With republican help like Christie in 2012 and Cruz this year, who needs democratic enemies? At  least the democrats show party discipline with even Bernie Sanders flipping and now supporting Hillary.

Now that's entertainment.

JohnRoberts said:
Kingston said:
Matt Nolan said:
JohnRoberts said:
The US probably offers the best opportunity for advancement of anywhere in the world.
Apparently the US ranks around 13th (just 1 ahead of Belgium) for Opportunity. Not bad, but Canada is actually number 1 for this. I was expecting a Scandinavian country at the top. They're all in the top 10 besides Norway, just above the USA at number 12.,dim2,dim3

while I find Johns comment misguided and whitemans privileged view of the US, I don't exactly understand why Finland ranks as high as it does. While there's no true poverty there's no opportunity to truly make it here either. The entire nation has been normalised to one big block of middle class. Entrepreneurship has been stifled and is generally discouraged on a very large scale. If there ever was a communist utopia, this is as close as it gets. The bureaucratic overhead is ridiculous.
It's a social progressive index....  time for a group hug.  ;D
Specifically the "Opportunities" component of the Social Progressive Index. Overall in social progress, the USA ranks lower at 19th. I think it is the "Health And Wellness" component at rank 69th which pulls you down ;D  It is very interesting to click around the sub-categories and see how the table below re-orders.
Matt Nolan said:
Did it all go downhill in the last 2 years?

Nope, it began decades ago. All these mobile gaming companies are a transient and small scale. They don't move the economy either way.

I was talking longer term issues and attitudes collectively fed to us since pre-school. A glass roof is placed upon us all with government taking care of all the basic needs with them in complete control of society. Money comes from the magic wall and not through privately owned business. Middle class happiness is broadcasted in all media in nearly Orwellian fashion. We're being told the world is amazed with this socialist utopia of perfect welfare.

They've managed the term "income transfer" to common speech as if this is all normal. It means ultra high tax in support of the meek of the nation. This is all a bit hard to digest for people like me who would like more capitalist and meritocratic solutions.
Kingston said:
They've managed the term "income transfer" to common speech as if this is all normal. It means ultra high tax in support of the meek of the nation. This is all a bit hard to digest for people like me who would like more capitalist and meritocratic solutions.

Yeah, "f" the meek. Jesus would agree.

I suppose "social Darwinism" is the way to go. But why stop there? Why have a government and law enforcement at all then? Why not just let the strongest survive by any means they choose?
Today's black-guy-shot-while-doing-nothing-wrong was taking care of an autistic man:

"Cuevas said officers received a 911 call indicating a man was in the street with a gun threatening to kill himself. They responded to Northeast 127th Street and about 14th Avenue and began barking orders. When the autistic man didn’t comply, an officer fired three times, striking Kinsey once in the leg. He was transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital.

Read more here:"

Again it's there mere allegation that someone has a gun that leads to cops firing. In this case it was a toy truck, not a gun. Hard to see the difference. But at least there's some logic in shooting at the guy threatening to commit suicide, right? And then striking the caretaker who keeps telling cops there's no gun.

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