Martin: Did you also change the HA-4505-5 at the VCA´s? Does that mean that it needs some re-adjusting if changed?
I tried now few channels with LM837´s except I used MC33079´s in the EQ. Results were ok but nothing amazing, the original chips still sound quite good to my ears. With the new ones the sound is a bit more "airy" and slightly more punch in the bass and bit more open the hi-end, but not much. The MC33079´s in the eq are very good.
I tried now few channels with LM837´s except I used MC33079´s in the EQ. Results were ok but nothing amazing, the original chips still sound quite good to my ears. With the new ones the sound is a bit more "airy" and slightly more punch in the bass and bit more open the hi-end, but not much. The MC33079´s in the eq are very good.