Help for understanding a Chinese U87 fake microphone schematics

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New member
Dec 27, 2013
Hello everyone,
I would need someone to help me understand the attached schematic.
I am discovering the microphone DIY and comparing with other schematics, this one seems very complicated.
I took a lot of care for the reverse engineering and I think there is no mistake.

Thank you for your help

U87 China General 1.jpg
It doesn't seem all that complicated, but it's definitely not a U87. The lower section generates the polarizing voltage (60V) from 15V. The two FETs are in a darlington configuration to lower the output impedance since there's no output transformer to step things down. The BC547B and BC557B drive the output, and probably further reduce the output impedance. It's definitely a little unusual, but if you have to design to hit a low price point (as many Chinese engineers are asked to do), you have to jump through some hoops. An output transformer could have made this circuit much simpler, but that costs money...
It's definitely a little unusual, but if you have to design to hit a low price point (as many Chinese engineers are asked to do), you have to jump through some hoops. An output transformer could have made this circuit much simpler, but that costs money...

... And yet, a Schoeps circuit would have needed one less JFET 😅
... And yet, a Schoeps circuit would have needed one less JFET 😅
Very true. I wonder if this was an attempt to make a circuit that had some more “color” than a Schoeps circuit (it’s supposed to be a “U87” after all). I haven’t simulated it, but it seems like this configuration might create some even-order harmonics due to slight asymmetry. Just a guess though…
Merci pour les réponses, c'est très gentil.
Je connais un peu l'électronique mais pas assez pour comprendre ce circuit que je trouve "tordu".
Désolé pour mon anglais, je parle français et je traduis avec Google. :)
Thanks for the answers, it's very kind.
I know a little about electronics but not enough to understand this circuit that I find "twisted".
Sorry for my English, I speak French and I translate with Google.