I'm still trying to understand some peculiarities of all the U87 variants and understand the design choices that the Neumann engineers made. I hope you guys don't mind that I will (ab)use this thread to educate myself. But of course, I hope I can contribute as well.
Simulating a circuit in LTspice always helps me a lot in understanding a circuit. So that's what I did. I applied some simplifications to Voayger10's circuit and dropped it in LTspice. Picture attached. I was hoping, of course, to get results that would match the measured data on the real circuit. With the components displayed, I obtained a 0.38mA bias current, resulting in a Drain voltage of 11.4V. So far, so good. Ran a sim and checked the gain and high-end roll-off. As you can see from the resulting AC Analysis plot, mid-band gain equals 19 dB and at 15 kHz, the drop-off reached 3.5 dB. Spot on. Or not...?
@Voyager10 : In your table, you mention an Open Loop gain of 19dB. Which is very close to my simulation, but in my view that would be the
Closed Loop gain. My definition of Open Loop gain of a circuit would be the gain with all feedback removed. Feedback is through C4 and the feedback circuit from C8 back to the capsule. When I change C8 and C4 to 0.01pF, effectively removing feedback, I obtain an Open Loop gain of 27.6 dB. See last AC Analysis plot attached. So my question is: do we have a different understanding about what the concept of Open Loop entails? Or is my simulation completely off?
Now, getting to
@joulupukki 's question: assuming my simulations are right, then changing the zener to 24V, R2 to 47k and rea-adjusting the bias resistor R7 to 10k to obtain 11.2V again at the Drain, the sim shows a circuit gain gain of 18.5dB. So it does very little to the gain, as you already observed. That is easily understood when you realize that only the Open Loop gain is affected by these changes. Open Loop gain is particularly high in this circuit, so it will have
some effect on Closed Loop gain, but not a lot. Open Loop gain with 56k/24V is 26.7 dB, so a drop-off of 0.9 dB, resulting in a 0.5 dB Closed Loop gain.
If one wants more Closed Loop gain, remove C4. But I don't see this capacitor in every U87xx incarnation, so maybe yours doesn't have it. Without C4, Closed Loop gain is very close to Open Loop gain, the odds that you will get more gain from this circuit are negligible. I think the best way to obtain a higher sensitivity is by raising the capsule voltage by using a polarization voltage generator circuit. With 60V, you'd have 2.5dB more gain and at 80V, +5dB. But the question is whether your capsule (Arienne's K87, AFAIK) can handle such voltages. Does anyone know?