Hi I'm Ian, one of those continually self-teaching types, who may be justifiably criticized for playing all the notes, but not necessarily in the right order.
My background in audio stretches back to my childhood, an uncle who ran a PA company in the 1970's and a relationship I struck as a child with a little Hifi shop in Worthing UK with a certain pair of Hifi enthusiasts who met during the war, named Mr Bowers and Mr Wilkins. I used to scavenge through their workshop bins as a child, for parts for my projects. I was caught re-handed, introduced and then they learned of my musical obsessions and my keen ear. They valued my critical listening ability and rewarded my critique with part-exchange items of Hifi for my own use. Way to go!
Since that time, I've experienced life in a Hifi specialist store based on a railway platform, I've worked as a live sound engineer on and off for around 30 years, built and designed several recording studios and many loudspeakers. I've worked on the restoration of a few analog consoles of various configurations, everything from Soundcraft 200 to Amek Classic, with the odd bit of Calrec and Neve to spice up the mix.
I've been retired from active duty as a live engineer for some years now, but my interest has panned across to film making and the associated technologies.
Hi All

My background in audio stretches back to my childhood, an uncle who ran a PA company in the 1970's and a relationship I struck as a child with a little Hifi shop in Worthing UK with a certain pair of Hifi enthusiasts who met during the war, named Mr Bowers and Mr Wilkins. I used to scavenge through their workshop bins as a child, for parts for my projects. I was caught re-handed, introduced and then they learned of my musical obsessions and my keen ear. They valued my critical listening ability and rewarded my critique with part-exchange items of Hifi for my own use. Way to go!
Since that time, I've experienced life in a Hifi specialist store based on a railway platform, I've worked as a live sound engineer on and off for around 30 years, built and designed several recording studios and many loudspeakers. I've worked on the restoration of a few analog consoles of various configurations, everything from Soundcraft 200 to Amek Classic, with the odd bit of Calrec and Neve to spice up the mix.
I've been retired from active duty as a live engineer for some years now, but my interest has panned across to film making and the associated technologies.
Hi All