Settle down, I'm neither blind or deaf!!!
I'm not ignoring the poll................I'm only too aware of it.
And not EVERYBODY voted............a relatively small minority voted. If we leave things as they currently are, we do so based on the vote of approx., 14% of the members. If changes were implemented on a permanent basis (as would have been the case at RO), that change would be based on approx., 6% of the membership..................neither way would really be fair and democratic based on those poll results.
As I read the comments for and against, I came to the conclusions that:
1) The only fair and equitable way to determine which system would be best suited, would be to trial the systems....................then make informed decisions based on those trials.
2) Because the core focus of this community is DIY Pro Audio which by it's very nature has very limited boundaries and under most circumstances doesn't deviate far from that, it is probably difficult to attempt any comparisons to other audio forums as they are usually far broader in their range of subject matter.......what works for them may be somewhat different to what would work here.
Considering we have been "working" with the "all in one" format for so long and know how things work isn't it reasonable to consider trialing the alternative............or is that too much to ask for.
I'm not arguing for change, I'm arguing for a fair, sensible and equitable decision...................whichever way it goes.