I don't Lok this at all

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2015
Sunny...Sometimes Florida- USA
So with an old computer you can't buy new software even if the software was compatible with your computer back then when it was relevant because of all the updates and lack of support . I mean if you got in back then I'm sure it's much smoother....

Can't get the latest ILOK on my audio machine and it's like finding a needle in a haystack trying to find the right combination of old ILOK license support installers and getting the companies to help with the right legacy version. Of course ILOK not responding and I'm guessing it'll be something like we don't support Windows 7 anymore.....

closest I've gotten was to dig into an old Soundtoys folder and run the included ILOk installer....
close.... but this ain't horseshoes

I have a feeling the no return policies for software are less about someone doing something nefarious and more about people like me not thinking things through. It's 2024 and you'd think everything would be smooth....

Where's that old AIR cd...

Be easier to build something similar.....lol
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The ilok installer is on their website.
Some older licenses will not work with newer versions of plugins. Older versions of those plugins may not work with the new os on your system.
It’s a constant juggling when doing updates, upgrades, and working.
That reminds me of something else to put on my "before I kick the bucket" list. Right now I have around 5 computers in/on my computer work station. 3 PCs and 2 macs. I mainly use just one Mac (mini).

I need to gracefully dispose of the others.

The ilok installer is on their website.
Yeah but the latest version won't install on my machine. They have a legacy section but it only includes Windows 7 32bit and lower versions...vista..etc...like version 2.0 ish....

All the Windows 7 64bit I guess is tied into their latest and greatest release which won't install on my other computer...yet.... installs fine on this machine that's running Windows 10.....

if ILOK would release all versions of legacy up to their newest, I'd probably be able to sift through to find one that'll work with the legacy plug in versions available.....

I have a 3.1.3 ILOK version running on windows 7 64bit fine....Just won't run newer software...like Oeksound or Sonnox latest versions..... but Sonnox legacy installer came close.....
Scheiße-lok might be a more appropriate name for it ,

I never put it near any of my computer equipment because you'll end up held to ransom by it at some point down the line .

Ive basically abandoned WIn7 at this stage ,
Instead I use a version of Win 10 PE called Hirens Boot cd ,
its designed to be a recovery media , but in itself provides a lot of the core fuctionality you need to record music on virtually any PC hardware with a Win 10 based OS that runs off an external USB drive . All your files and folders from the original OS are readable on the internal C drive , when you want to boot from that , you simply dissconnect the external drive and your back to where you were before .

Win10Pe has good compatibillity with WIN7 and older softwares as its designed as a tool to repair update and recover data from older computers .

Theres a couple of caveats with Win PE , as its set up and run from a drive image in computer memory if you have a power cut you can loose stuff . Certain windows settings are volatile and not saved after a reboot , programs installed on the X drive (ramdrive) are lost after a reboot , but if you copy over the files from the programs folders to a safe location on the C drive it all runs straight out of the box next time round , some audio drivers may also need to be loaded up manually each time .

One of the great things about WINPE is it has no dependency whatsoever on windows update , so once you have your recording software and drivers properly sorted it just works without complaints or nag screens .
I never put it near any of my computer equipment because you'll end up held to ransom by it at some point down the line .
I guess so...
I've been running the software ILOK with some Soundtoys stuff forever with no issues...didn't even remember I had an ILOK account tbh. Wasn't until picking up a Sonnox plugin that the nightmare started....
The sonnox has been around forever and ever ...maybe even before xp so it never occurred to me that it might not work
Yes please...
I'm running ILOK on my windows 7 machine but it's not the right version to play nice with the software...it's a bit too early afaik...3.1.3 I believe....

Ok I checked and have a Win7 machine running v5.2.0. Have that installer as well as older v4.0.0. They are about 100MB so would need to figure out where/ how to upload.
Ok I checked and have a Win7 machine running v5.2.0. Have that installer as well as older v4.0.0. They are about 100MB so would need to figure out where/ how to upload.
I'd love to try them.
We have giant upload space now here since the changes. Should be ok I'd think..Here's one installer for instance

we could start an ILOK section in the tech docs...have all the versions just in case...


  • LicenseSupportInstallerWin64.zip
    97.4 MB
Wait, the iLok is STILL pain in the arse? No way! I use Harrison Mixbus and one of the biggest selling points when I bought in a decade ago was that its based on Ardour and can run on Linux. No corporate overlords ruining my DAW! Then SSL "merges" with Harrison. Whats the first thing they do? They offer me free SSL software if only I submit and use an iLok. I was shocked to see that after 20+ years of being a pain in every arse I've ever met, this iLok garbage was STILL around! I could have sworn it was kicked to the curb with the loss of hardware USB-A slots for it to waste. Thankfully Mixbus hasn't been ruined... YET, but that iLok garbage is looming, as you just KNOW the full corporatization is inevitable!