DaveP said:
Is anyone else getting the feeling that the old order is on the way out?
Millions of kids around the world have taken over the initiative and the political priorities.
I feel some sympathy for politicians, they were never scientifically trained so they have no intrinsic feel for the situation. A background in economics and law does not prepare you for this new reality. Trump is in an even worse state with a simple business background, he has absolutely no feel for what is happening around him.
A musician knows what chords go together in each key (D, G, A7, Bm) An electronics guy knows Ohms law, a tube guy knows mu, gm and rp. But ask a politician how much time do we have to do something and all they have are economics and procedure.
No wonder the kids are on the street.............. say goodbye to yesterday's men.
Do you see "Quality" on the politicians of the latest 60 years ?
Or only remote contralled "robots" by corporations ?
There is a "Quality" president after Roosevelt ?
(why Truman ignored the Roosevelt human rights law 2 , "expansion" of the first ? … "money" ? )
What rights "they" have to destroy the planet and deny the right to life for the new generations ?
(create the problems to sell $$$ then the solutions ?
like for example bury the trash collecting part of tax paid by citizens ,
and then charge them again with another tax for clean up the trash landfills
because they pollute the aquifers ?
recycling the recovered garbage and pocket more money ?
…and the gas produced by organic waste …. ,
please do not tell me that they didn't know it !!!
otherwise all the Universities must be closed !!!!!
and all type of engineers sent to smash stones !!! )
The only one intelligent thing to do (i.m.h.o. but also so many others too)
from here to the "end" ,
is concentrate all the resources (minds and "tools")
for increase Human Dignity + planet health
and all the "puzzle" pieces are directly related / connected and complementary ,
to guarantee a decent life quality to human race ,
before the expansion of the sun cook the planet ,
(about 500 millions years…. )
or another not " friendly" Meteor decide to land on our "garden"…
Next ice age apart , by the natural vertical axis oscillation cycle of the planet .
Peace to all.
The natural true legitimate right is that the Universe is public space not private .