yeah, you're right about R drain ! I've corrected...Looks like you forgot the drain load resistors for the FETS, and an NPN with base and collector shorted is nothing more than a diode. I also think the XTX653 collector currents will be rather unpredictable, since the base is purely current driven rather than biased by a voltage divider. No need to use bipolar coupling caps as both operate with about 12V DC across them.
Yes, I mean it the way I wrote it, this circuit can go from clean to heavily distorted. A sound machine, ideal for rock and similar stuff. If you want the recording to have a certain sound, the Fetboy is the right choice. If you want to record classical music or other clean stuff, this is the wrong preamp IMHO.@rock soderstrom I just read your intervention in
May I ask you how you get "tons of colour" ? by different R source capacitors values ?
You said : My advice is the Hamptone JFET Preamp aka Fetboy. Easy to build, tons of colour as micpre and DI for instruments.
Don't go too fancy with the components and first build the circuit as described in the article. It is best to simply build the Fetboy on a test board and make your first experiences with it. Then you'll quickly see if you like it - the component effort is super low.BP Muse Nichicon are very good quality for coupling caps in audio and often used
10uF is right, you don't need a dielectric strength for 400V as this is not a tube circuit. Wima has nice 50V MKPs that are nice and small and take up almost no spaceHampton insists on this value but a 10uF MKP is big, almost bigger than the whole board
As said at the start of my post, I don't have experience with jfet circuits so I relied, on the advice of a forum member, on the Scott Hampton's proven schematic. I posted his article previously.
What changes do you think would need to be made?
Do you think it can be done without blocking cap between the 2 stages? at output ? There is no risk to get 12v DC in the modulation?
Thanx for the add ! (24v*3300)/(3300+47000) = 1,575vAs @Hubbub mentioned, the circuit as shown doesn't have any real control over the output stage current (which flows through the MPSA14 and ZTX653 transistors). Basically it will be the current in the 47K resistor times the ZTX653's current gain, which could be huge. It's also unpredictable: a ZTX653 you buy now may well have a higher gain than a typical ZTX653 when the circuit was designed.
There's a simple fix, which is to put a resistor (say 3.3k) between the base of the ZTX653 and ground, which will fix the base voltage (at 1.5V or so) which fixes the current in the 100 R resistor (about 9mA, which is more than adequate for driving a line inout).
Anybody has an answer about cap values ? my calculations are right ?According to my calculations, with a R to ground of 10KΩ (the pot.interstage) -3dB at 3Hz is reached with 5,3uF... maybe Scott put 10uF in case of 5KΩ pot ?
but the main thing is the output : with 100KΩ to ground, -3dB at 3Hz is reached with only 1/10 so 530nF > why putting such value as 10uF ? 1uF should be sufficient... ?
Hi @GJB17 Yes your schematic must be interesting ! It'd be nice to show us. I've already LM4562 in stock and also K170 (4 of them / real ones same IDSS / bought in the 2000's) > but no K117 in stock... (J113 yes around 30 items)Hi people... speaking of FET preamps... I have done a fully balanced unit that has noise and distortion that are unmeasurable (at least with my gear!) It uses a matched pair of (Toshiba) 2SK117's coupled to an LM4562. If anyone is interested I can post the circuit. BTW I have a large collection of NOS (genuine) Toshiba FETs if any body needs.
J310 is a pretty hi gain jfet.I think you can use other similar JFETs but I would stick to the 2N5457. Buy more than you need, because you have to select them by hand.
This is a good source:
This one is cheaper, but I never bought from them:
Olaf has really great things and quite a lot of them.2N5457 are also available at Banzai as MKS2 Wima 50v 4,7uF / 10uF / etc... and Nichicon Fine Gold 470uF 25V
I would like to replace it with a jfet-based circuit, more "tube-sound-like" because the sound of the BJT circuit is not of much interest.
I know, however, that jfets are "capricious and delicate" to implement and I would like to get your advice and if possible a viable schematic.
I post below a schematic that I found on the net as well as the link leading to it. And also a link to the excellent article on Jfets by Rod Elliott.
I redraw the Hampton schematic... but I have a few questions :
- is the 100nF as signal input blocking cap is ok ?
- is the output at a sufficient low impedance to avoid any adaptative circuit ? it's gonna "feed" a Line In sound card (10KΩ)
* I think 100KΩ at output after R100 is better than 10KΩ (?)
I think I forgot a gate-stoper for the 1rst Jfet (1KΩ ?)
Revisited schematic below...
Still the performance is pee-poor by open loop tube standards. Maybe not quite "tube screamer" levels of overdrive, but these levels of distortion will audibly colour the sound.
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