Hi all... I've been slowly ebbing and flowing with parenting, work, accidental fun party weekends, epic hangovers, more (even more epic) parenting and... diy projects
I'm mid way through a few mic builds. nearly there on 2 Vami 84 LDC's, close'ish with another 2 U87 (Poctops).
One thing I noticed is people who's opinions I follow like @kingkorg stating that a TSC-2 capsule (JLI) is an affordable option for a diaphram sound that scrapes very close to a good authentic K87 sound (or perhaps K67 in a an AI U87??)... At the least, it appears to be the capsule in a modded mic Kingkorg rates as stupidly close to the real deal... Can't remember the post sorry.. I can find and link if interested...
So... bare with me a second too please... I'm tired and my login to GDIY didn't work for ages, so I'm typing this now off the cuff after reading a lot for weeks, but also after finally logging in after a few drinks... not a so called "fun party weekend" but I feel tired and just want to get this post out there before I crash
I always rant too much in these posts and scare off responses lol... so I'll cut to the chase...
I have a few JLI TSC-2's in the mail
FOR SUGGESTIONS, NOTE THOUGH: I'm nervous about wiring up tube power supplies.. two 67's sound nice, and I'm not incompetent with the soldering and general DIY processes... but I AM nervous about high voltages for me and my kids wandering around (who appear out of nowhere). 100% Building a power supply, even from a kit, still kinda scares me to be honest. My comfort is in solid state (ie. 48V Ph Power).
I'll stop typing for now... probably easier to ask the basic questions and then see what you all think
Damn - just re-read... this IS already too long lol *facepalm*.... anyway - opinions on a a good DIY for the TSC-2's would be GREATLY appreciated
Thanks in advance!
I'm mid way through a few mic builds. nearly there on 2 Vami 84 LDC's, close'ish with another 2 U87 (Poctops).
One thing I noticed is people who's opinions I follow like @kingkorg stating that a TSC-2 capsule (JLI) is an affordable option for a diaphram sound that scrapes very close to a good authentic K87 sound (or perhaps K67 in a an AI U87??)... At the least, it appears to be the capsule in a modded mic Kingkorg rates as stupidly close to the real deal... Can't remember the post sorry.. I can find and link if interested...
So... bare with me a second too please... I'm tired and my login to GDIY didn't work for ages, so I'm typing this now off the cuff after reading a lot for weeks, but also after finally logging in after a few drinks... not a so called "fun party weekend" but I feel tired and just want to get this post out there before I crash
I always rant too much in these posts and scare off responses lol... so I'll cut to the chase...
I have a few JLI TSC-2's in the mail
- they're basically a K67 "style" (dual dia, center term, connected (NOT isolated) backplates), and like I said, people like kingkorg rate it as pretty much "that U87 sound, give or take a few farads in the feedback filter" (paraphrased)... I bought these because... dunno... the nerd-devil within told me to so I could have more projects to build lol
- What circuit would that be referring to (where it sound like a U87)? They definitely do NOT have isolated backplates... Is that e.g. a cardioid only "classic" U87 build (e.g. poctops U87 but no switching, cardioid only)?... or is there some secret hidden multi pattern U87AI build I'm missing??
- Is there another DIY project I should be looking into with these caps?... I've spent... well, weeks looking... but maybe I'm fixated on U87's by accident and searching for the wrong things... I know K67's are a very common cap in production mics, but I'm kind of struggling to find a good alt other than a classic clone... I also assume (EDIT: well - not "assume"... the freq graph is pretty clear and shows that typically 10k'ish bump
...) these are high freq hyped and need filtering... so some of those fun LDC filter'less PCBs (that like a flat capsule) might just be... not quite right. e.g. Vamisound LDC conversions of e.g. shoepes... i like the idea, but not the idea of putting the wrong high freq bump'd cap in it...
FOR SUGGESTIONS, NOTE THOUGH: I'm nervous about wiring up tube power supplies.. two 67's sound nice, and I'm not incompetent with the soldering and general DIY processes... but I AM nervous about high voltages for me and my kids wandering around (who appear out of nowhere). 100% Building a power supply, even from a kit, still kinda scares me to be honest. My comfort is in solid state (ie. 48V Ph Power).
I'll stop typing for now... probably easier to ask the basic questions and then see what you all think
Damn - just re-read... this IS already too long lol *facepalm*.... anyway - opinions on a a good DIY for the TSC-2's would be GREATLY appreciated
Thanks in advance!
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