I'm finishing another unit of this compressor, using NSL32's, 82k for R13, 1k for Ratio Trimmer and 500r for Threshold Trimmer.
But the thing doesn't work fine. The meter reads compression, that looks fine, but nothing changing with the ratio switch, except for 2:1, there I see massive GR, but the same GR for 4, 8, 12 & 20:1.
I didn't heard if the unit passes audio, but as far as I can measure I would say it's not passing. I'm sending a 2v 50hz. signal from my cheap test rig (laptop+ little behringer mixer for controlling levels) and my DMM reads 0V at the output of the transormer, but I can measure signal going into it.
So, 2 main issues, the non working Ratios and the maybe bad output transformer.
I will work first in the ratio issue as I see it harder to solve, but I have no idea in what to look for. I have checked the wiring, the soldering, and it really looks fine.
I'm thinking it could be related to the NSL32's instead Vactrol?
I'll get my working unit today and see If I can find the difference. But if something could give a shot on where to look I'll be pleased.